The ExxonMobil-NUS Research Fellowship for Clinicians
The ExxonMobil-NUS Research Fellowship for Clinicians sponsored by the ExxonMobil Scholarship Fund, is a local fellowship for clinicians who wish to pursue research training in Singapore. The objective of the Fellowship is to recruit and nurture a promising cadre of clinician scientists in Singapore actively involved in translational research by ensuring protected time for awardees to learn, undertake and develop a passion for research activity and administration.
Option 1
- 20% protected time (up to $2,500 per month or $30,000 per year)
- $70,000 grant funding to support awardee research project
Option 2
- 40% protected time (up to $5,000 per month or $60,000 per year)
- $40,000 grant funding to support awardee research project
Funding obtained from protected time can also be used to cover 1-2 months of your pay to allow you to spend 100% of your time during this period in the laboratory. Please discuss with your Head of Department on the above options before submitting the application.
Eligibility Criteria
- Senior Resident/MO to Consultant level
- Singaporean or Singapore PR
- Must commit 20% or 40% of time to research
- Attached to a basic science laboratory/research facility for a period of 1 year
- Supervisor/mentor must be academic staff from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Submission Requirements
- Application Form with digital photo
- Curriculum vitae and career history in reverse chronological order
- Certified true copies of awards / prizes and certificates (if any)
- One-page statement on why you want to pursue this area of study
- (Up to) Four-page description of Intended Research Project
- Two letters of recommendation
- Mentor/Supervisor’s letter of support
- One-page plan of use of protected time requested
- Potential deliverables from use of this protected time
- Any other relevant documents you feel will strengthen your application
Grant Call Dates
To apply
- Download the application form here.
- E-mail the completed application form to Ms Wee Yu Ting at
NUHS Clinician Scientist Programme (NCSP v2.0)
To nurture promising young clinicians, NCSP v2.0 has been launched to support young talents with funding to embark on their research, build their research portfolio to eventually compete and clinch a national level competitive research grant or talent award.
2 Year Award
- Total Funding: $400K, components include:
- Grant Funding: $100K per annum x 2 years
- Award to Department*: $80K per annum x 2 years (backfill up to 40%)
- Award to Mentor*: $20K per annum x 2 years
* Flexibility to vie to grant funding
- The review panel reserves the right to adjust funding quantum or award partial funding component to selected awardees.
Eligibility Criteria
- All NUHS clinicians from Alexandra Hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, National University Hospital, National University Polyclinic, NUS Medicine, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS Faculty of Dentistry, NUS Alice Lee Centre For Nursing Studies
- Senior Residents entering NUHS employment, Associate Consultant or Consultant
- Applicants who are health science / healthcare professionals with non-medical degrees, such as nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professions listed on MOH’s website in clinical practice are eligible to apply.
- Faculty on NUS tenure-track will not be eligible for NCSP grant. Any exceptions will be on case-by-case basis.
- Committed to fulfill the following:
- Complete formal research training:
- Successful application or completion of MBA/MPH/MCI/PhD/MSc(Nursing)/PhD(Nursing).
- Progress in research career over a 5-year period, as demonstrated by at least one of the following:
- Progress to National CS, secure NMRC Talent Awards (i.e. TA, CSA)
- Secure NMRC Competitive Grants (i.e. NIG, CS-IRG)
- Progress to NUS tenure track (in partnership with CSDU)
- Progression to Cluster CS
- Ensure successful publication:
- At least 1 publication in the NUSMed Journal Whitelist (first author) within 1-year post grant end date.
- Complete formal research training:
Submission Requirement
- NCSP 2.0 Application Form
- Mentor’s signed letter of support
- Any other relevant documents you feel will strengthen your application
Grant Call
Timeline for June 2024 Grant Call
- Open for submission: Interested candidates to submit their applications from 1 Jun 2024 – 1 Aug 2024. Please use application form dated May 2024.
- Oral Presentation: You are required to attend an oral presentation on 6 Aug 2024 (12pm – 4pm), if shortlisted. We will notify you of the session details 1 day before the presentation. Applicants who are invited but unable to attend the oral presentation will not be considered.
- Outcome: Announcement will be made by 30 Aug 2024. Award letter will be issue before 1 Oct 2024.
* The above timeline is indicative.
Frequently Asked Questions
- For FAQ, please refer to the document here.
- For the list of NUHS non-fundable direct cost, please refer to the appendix here.
- Download the application form here.
- Download the flyer for June 2024 Grant Call here.
- E-mail the completed application form to Ms April Sim at