Equipment / Capabilities

-80°C Freezer and Liquid Nitrogen tanks

NUH TR currently houses up to 70 -80°C mechanical freezers and 7 Liquid Nitrogen tanks at its offsite warehouse. This acts as a long term storage site for TR’s biobanking operation. Backup units or alternative planning will be kept in place to allow for business continuity in the event of unforeseen events such as natural or man-made disasters or equipment failure that may render parts or all of inventories unusable.


High throughput automated liquid handler for processing large scale liquid bio-specimens. This allow us to support a sizable multi-center projects in bio-banking.

Maxwell – For DNA/RNA extraction

Using preloaded protocols and kits for different sample types, this machine is able to extract multiple DNA and RNA samples from bio-specimen in a single run.

Trinean DropSense 96

This machine is able to measure the quality and quantity of small biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins up to 96 samples within 5 minutes together with DropQuant, which is a measurement software that also allow users to set up the experiment layout easily. Thereafter, data will be analyzed using analytical software (cDrop) and allow data to be exported out easily into an excel list for verification.


This is used for sectioning of tissue blocks. As TR also perform tissue collection, hence we will also perform quality control checks of the tissue samples collected by our in-house pathologist.

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