Currently, to achieve the goals of discovering and/or validating ncRNAs as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for human diseases, we collaborate with the NUS/A*STAR spin-off, MiRXES PTE LTD, to provide unbiased or candidate miRNA profiling and subsequent validation of specific miRNA expression. This technology is qPCR based and highly suitable for quantifying miRNA expression levels in minute amount of samples and biofluids (see below for video presentation of MiRXES’ core technology). A seamless ncRNA profiling workflow is enabled by:
1. Manual or fully automated RNA extraction

2. Sample: qPCR master mix addition to assay panels via automated liquid handlers

3. RT-qPCR via Thermo Fisher Scientific QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (384-well)

The ncRNA core offers a daily throughput of >5,000 RT-qPCRs for miRNA expression profiling in a wide variety of experimental (e.g. cell culture, animal xenografts, etc) as well as clinical samples (e.g. FFPE sections, serum, plasma, urine, tears, etc). Standard pipeline analysis of data includes data normalization and identification of differentially expressed miRNAs via fold change plots as well as volcano analysis.
4. Handheld tissue homogeniser
5. Bead beater homogeniser
6. Bio-rad CFX Duets
Booking can be done via the PPMS platform:
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services
We have recently started to offer Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services done at 3rd party facility like MiRXES Genomics. Please contact the ncRNA Core for project-specific enquiries.