Electron Microscopy Unit (EMU)
Welcome Message
Welcome to you from the Electron Microscopy Unit (EMU), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore!
EMU is a world-class facility providing state-of-the-art scanning and transmission electron microscopes, sample preparation and ultramicrotomy equipment, and a core group of highly skilled and experienced staff to provide training and support for staff and students to learn and apply electron microscopy in their work.
The mission of the EMU is to provide high quality EM solutions for biomedical researchers in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Health System, National University of Singapore, and the scientific community.
We provide consultation and assistance with equipment use, training, experimental design and image interpretation, and know-how to support in-depth microscopy research in life science.
Yours sincerely,
Director, Electron Microscopy Unit
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
About Us
The Electron Microscopy Unit is a central facility in Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Our mission is to provide high quality EM solutions for biomedical researchers in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Health System, National University of Singapore, and the scientific community.
Staff in the EM Unit conduct in-house training in EM usage, and ensure that equipment are in working condition, and the laboratory is a safe and comfortable place to work in. We also provide ultramicrotomy service, and test out new sample preparation techniques to facilitate visualization using the different microscopes.
Besides providing facilities, the Unit also engages in collaborative research projects. Examples of some collaborations partners include AVA, SERI, EHI, SGH, TTSH, NIE. Electron Microscopy Unit has also co-organized many scientific seminars and workshops with vendors to introduce new equipment and technology.
Our History
The Electron Microscopy Unit has come a long way to be what it is now. It is set up in 1971, under the management of the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine. Mr. Chan Heng Leong is the pioneer in building up the laboratory and establishing the techniques.
The very first microscope to serve the users was a Hitachi HS-8 and since then, a lot of upgrading and reviewing are being done to ensure the high quality service of the unit. When the Unit was first started, it was under the supervision of a EM Committee, consisting of six members and a Chairperson from the different major departments in the Faculty.
The members are Professor Leong Seng Kee (Anatomy), Professor Chan Soh Ha (Microbiology), Professor Lee Yoke Sun (Pathology), Professor Raja Sinniah (Pathology), Professor Ling Eng Ang (Anatomy) and Associate Professor Mary Ng Mah Lee (Microbiology), with Professor Lee Eng Hin (Orthopaedic Surgery) chairing the committee.
In 1994, Associate Professor Mary Ng was appointed as the Director of the Unit and the EM Committee now acts mainly in the advisory capacity for the purchase of new equipment.
In 2015, the EM Unit relocated from MD5 to Tahir Foundation Building, 12 Science Drive 2. Associate Professor Wei-Yi Ong was appointed as the Director of the Unit, after Professor Mary Ng’s semi-retirement.
In 2021, Professor Wei-Yi Ong stepped down as the Director and is succeeded by Assistant Professor Benoit Malleret.

Laboratory Technologists
Ms. Micky Leong Lo Ngah
Tel: 6516 3216
Email: medlln@nus.edu.sg
Mr. Lucas Lu Thong Beng
Tel: 6516 3216
Email: medltb@nus.edu.sg
Senior Laboratory Executive
Mr. Sim Aik Yong
Tel: 6516 3216
Email: medsay@nus.edu.sg
Ms. Low Kay En
Tel: 6516 3216
Email: medlken@nus.edu.sg