Leading Self for a 100-Year Life

Programme Code: TGS-2021004352


Mode of Delivery



2 Days

Date / Time

  • 23/05/2024 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, 24/05/2024 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Registration opened on 01 March 2024 and will close on 13 May 2024 [Extended].


Seamlessly transition through life’s stages and build a solid foundation for retirement

Programme Highlights

‘Leading Self for a 100-year life’ covers global trends in longevity, primary determinants of health, managing oneself for a 100-year life, and planning for financial well-being. It also provides a toolkit that helps in understanding the linkages between primary determinants of health, our habits and lifestyle choices and the implications of these for our personal health and wellness, career choices as well as business/start-up ideas.

This course aims to let participants:

  • Learn about the 100-year life and longevity in the 21st Century
  • Learn about global demographic shifts and trends in healthy longevity and productive longevity
  • Learn about changing population demographics in Singapore and its implications on working-life continuum and the Singapore Health District Model
  • Understand the importance of Business of Longevity and Digital Health.
  • Explore about the linkages between primary determinants of health and our habits/lifestyle choices, business of longevity and how these can impact our career choices, personal health, and business opportunities
  • Use map-the-systems approach to map out the longevity landscape in Singapore (this forms part of the project/assignment)
  • Learn about financial well-being and its linkages to health

Benefits of Attending

  • Learn how to connect the dots by factoring in the evolving trends in jobs, work, & remote work; what motivates & drains you; & what is needed for your own personal effectiveness
  • With this understanding, build your personalized Alt-Lyf/Odyssey Plans for the future to explore various possible versions of your lives & see which ones you want to prototype/live into
  • Use this knowledge to influence your career choices/start-up business ideas
  • Create a Collaborative Networking Community to test out the plans & for future collaborations

Who Should Attend

  • Major Work-Life Transition Points such as:
  • Work life to retirement (already retired or likely to retire in 3-5 years)
  • Mid-career employees/PMETs looking to stay relevant
  • Part of retrenchment schemes and looking for alternate careers

Trainer Profile

Mr Abhi Patwardhan

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Mr Choy Siew Kai

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Course Agenda

Day 1 AM

  • Global Trends in Longevity – Lifespan and Healthspan
  • From Global to Singapore Trends and Why Productive Longevity Matters
  • Introduction to Impact Gaps Canvas

Day 1 PM

  • Determinants of Healthy Ageing and Socio-Economic Factors
  • Healthy Longevity and What We can Control – Why We Sleep
  • Healthy Longevity and Habits We Can Control – Nutrition and Exercise

Day 2 AM: 

  • Financial well-being and financial health
  • The Business of Ageing – The silver industry

Day 2 PM:

  • Technology developments and longevity: Can we reverse ageing?
  • Purpose and Dignity (Staying Relevant)
  • Pulling it all together – Presentation on Longevity Gaps and Actions

Pre-Requisites and Assessment

Minimally diploma holders.

Assessment component includes project work. Learners must pass all assessment components to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate of Completion. Learners may have to bear the full course fee if they fail to meet this requirement.

Awards and Certification

All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion upon passing all assessment components.

Hear from Past Participants

Course Fee

International Participants

Singapore Citizens1 39 years old or younger

Singapore Citizens1 40 years old or older eligible for MCES2

Singapore PR

Enhanced Training Support For SMEs3

Full Course Fee






Less: SSG Grant Amount4





Nett Course Fee






9% GST on Nett Course Fee






Total Nett Course Fee Payable including GST






Less Additional Funding if Eligible Under Various Schemes



Total Nett Cost Fee Payable, Including GST, after additonal funding from the various funding schemes






1) All self-sponsored Singaporean aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit to pay for the course fee.

2) Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES): Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.

3) Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS): SME-sponsored employees (Singapore Citizens and PRs) may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.

4) Learners must pass all assessment components to successfully complete the course and receive a Certificate of Completion. Learners may have to bear the full course fee if they fail to meet this requirement.

Application Deadline

Registration closes on 13 May 2024. [Extended]

Terms & Conditions / Cancellation Policy

  1. The scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
  2. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone any course or change the venue due to unforeseen circumstances.
  3. In the event of a cancellation and the fee has been paid, a full refund will be made to registrants.

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