Speakers: Dr Poon Keah How, ACMB (Quality), NUH, Associate Professor Dan Yock Young, Chair, UMC & Head, Department of Medicine, NUSMed, Associate Professor Wilson Wang, Head, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NUSMed, Dr Brandon Koh, Clinical Director, EMD, NUH & Associate Professor Lee Yung Seng, Head, Department of Paediatrics, NUSMed

This session is open to NUHS staff, medical and nursing students only.

The SRE presentation includes sharing and learning points from recent SREs. Department Heads and CMB lead the way at these regular sharing sessions aimed at engaging NUH staff and improving systems. The onus is on us to learn from events to continue to improve patient safety in our hospital. Let us work together in making NUH safer.

Registration & breakfast at 7.10am, talk begins at 7.40am.