Service and Charges

EM Services

The EM Unit provides the following service packages for researchers who wish to obtain EM data without going through the training course.

  1. Complete workflow for TEM or SEM
  2. Sample preparation
  3. Ultramicrotomy
  4. EM viewing

The service work is chargeable even if the desired results are not achieved due to the condition of the samples or experiment.

Please contact us for further discussion on your samples and charges involved.

Training Course

The training programme for TEM is split into 3 parts:

Processing of samples:

This step involves 2 days of sample preparation (post-fixation, dehydration, infiltration and embedding) and another 24 hours of polymerization of the resin. You will need to spend the first 2 days in the laboratory, after which the samples are left in the oven for 24 hours before collection.

Sectioning of samples:

Samples embedded in resin are trimmed carefully into the right area to allow proper semi-thin sectioning. Semi-thin sections are viewed under the light microscope to ascertain the desired area to be viewed using the electron microscope. Ultra-thin sectioning is done from the same resin block once the area is ascertained. Sections are picked up on copper grids and staining is done before viewing.

The progress of this step will depend on how fast you can learn. Some individuals can learn it in 6 days while some may take a couple of weeks. A lot of practice is needed for better progress and some mental visualization of the concept will help you learn pretty fast.

Viewing of samples:

Copper grids with ultra-thin sections are placed into the electron microscope. Instructions on the operation of the microscope and digital imaging software will be given. It will take approximately 1 to 2 hours for this step.

The training programme for SEM is split into 2 parts:

Processing of samples:

This step involves 1 day of sample preparation (post-fixation, dehydration, and critical point drying). The dried samples are then mounted onto specimen stubs and coated with a layer of gold using the sputter coater.

Viewing of samples:

Specimen stubs are placed into the electron microscope. Instructions on the operation of the microscope and digital imaging software will be given. It will take approximately 1 to 2 hours for this step.

All samples are to be fixed with 2.5% glutaldehyde or 4% paraformaldehyde, and washed with PBS, prior to entry into the Unit. They have to be transported to the Unit using well-sealed sample vials, in secondary containers.

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