MD11, Lab B1-05
Clinical Research Centre
National University of Singapore,
10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597.
Lab I/C: Ms Chong Sue Wee
The Cell Culture Lab was established as part of the research facilities in the department, in the late 1990s.
The cell culture lab provides facilities for carrying out isolation and maintenance mammalian cell cultures.
The facilities help to bridge the various research activities that involves the use of cells, including animal experiments, molecular work, and histology.
Previous studies have successfully isolated and cultured cells from various musculoskeletal tissues, including bone marrow, periosteum, adipose tissue, tendon and cartilage.
The cultured cells are used for upstream research work (molecular and genetic studies) or downstream studies such as in-vivo studies using animals.
The cell culture lab also provides basic cell culture training to new staff and graduate students.
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