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TBC (Dr Danny Soon)

Event Venue: Zoom URL Max CPE Points: 1 Contact Person: Louis Chan Contact Number: 97237162 Contact Email:

TBC (Dr Lihan Zhou)

Event Venue: Zoom URL Max CPE Points: 1 Contact Person: Louis Chan Contact Number: 97237162 Contact Email:

TBC (Prof David Cameron-Smith)

Event Venue: Zoom URL Max CPE Points: 1 Contact Person: Louis Chan Contact Number: 97237162 Contact Email:

TBC (Prof Sendhil Velan)

Event Venue: Zoom URL Max CPE Points: 1 Contact Person: Louis Chan Contact Number: 97237162 Contact Email:

Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods (Part I)

ZOOM (URL will be provided after your registration)

Lecturer: Dr Miny Samuel, Head of Systematic Review, Research Support Unit, National University Health System. Content: An overview of the methods required to undertake a Systematic review and meta-analysis Planning a systematic review topic and scope Importance of writing a protocol and registering the topic Tips to searching the literature Register here:    

Nanosensor Technologies for Molecular Analyses of Circulating Biomarkers

ZOOM (URL will be provided after your registration)

Speaker: Dr Shao Huilin Venue: ZOOM Please register here: Abstract: The growing emphasis on personalized medicine significantly increases the need to analyze key molecular markers. In comparison to tissue biopsies, circulating biomarkers (liquid biopsies) can be conveniently and repeatedly obtained from biofluids with minimal complications. In particular, exosomes have recently emerged as a promising circulating..

Writing a Systematic Review Following Cochrane Methods (Part II)

ZOOM (URL will be provided after your registration)

Writing a Systematic Review Following Cochrane Methods (Part II) Introduction to Cochrane risk-of-bias tool Introduction to Meta-analysis Lecturer: Dr Miny Samuel Date: 14 August 2021 Time: 9:30 – 11:30 am Zoom Registration link: