
Synaptic Plasticity & Memory Lab

Lab Updates

Second edition of Synaptic Tagging and Capture book now out!

Edited by Prof Saji and Prof Ted Abel, the latest edition of Synaptic Tagging and Capture presents an authoritative and exhaustive discussions on the different aspects of Synaptic Tagging and Capture – from its molecular mechanisms, computational ramifications and behavioural manifestations.

Get the latest edition to learn about this fundamental concept on plasticity and memory!

Get your copy now:

Birthday celebration for May babies on 2024

The lab got together to celebrate Prof Saji’s birthday, alongside Dr Lik Wei’s and Penny’s birthdays which fall in May.

Happy birthday to the May babies!

Singapore Neuro-Cognitive Symposium Preclinical Day on Feb 2024

Prof Saji presented on the importance of understanding metaplasticity to remedy pathological plasticity impairments to restore memory functions.

Lab lunch for 2023

The lab had a final lunch together at University Town to herald the year-end holiday.

Visit to Cambridge University by Prof Saji (Nov 2023)

Prof Saji was invited by Prof Susan Jones to present. Thank you for the invitation!

Visit to Oxford University by Prof Saji (Nov 2023)

After the LTP50 meeting, Prof Saji headed over to Oxford University to present work on the juvenile stress and its effect on metaplasticity. Thank you, Prof Zoltan Molnar, for the invitation!

Long Term Potentiation 50 Years On Scientific Meeting by Royal Society, London

Prof Saji presented work on CA2 plasticity and CA2 priming onto CA1 during the scientific meeting. This meeting commemorates 50 years since the discovery of LTP, an important cellular mechanism behind learning and memory.

The meeting had a great spread of scientists – from the founder of LTP Dr Tim Bliss to up-and-coming researchers.

SPM Lab represented in Society for Neuroscience Conference 2023 in D.C., USA

Our graduate student Zaki and research assistant Zijun went to Neuroscience 2023 in Washington, DC, to present their posters.

Dr Cai’s Farewell (Nov 2023)

Dr Cai was a visiting scholar from China – and was with us for the year 2023.

All the best for the next journey, Dr Cai!

Spm lab in Channel 8 (Oct 2023)

Prof Saji and the SPM lab were featured on Channel 8.

Click to view on Channel 8:

Lab BBQ (July 2023)

The lab got together for summer break for a BBQ.

Even the drizzle can’t stop us!

Graduation of SPM Lab Members on NUS Commencement 2023

One commencement, two graduate students – one done (Dr Maria), one incoming (Kevin)

PQE Presentations for Penny and Saranya (June 2023)

In the month of June, we had two PQE presentations for our two graduate students.

Penny did hers online while Saranya presented on-site at the Workshop Room.

Congrats to both for completing your PQE!!

Three-Minute Thesis Presentation on Pitch Perfect by Physiology Department (May 2023)

Congrats to Zaki for winning the People’s Choice during his 3MT presentation for the thesis work!

Poster presentation at SfN Singapore Chapter symposium (Dec 2022)

Zaki presented poster in SfN Singapore chapter symposium and won runner-up for Best Poster Presentation. Congrats!

Maria’s thesis defense (Nov 2022)

Congrats, Maria, on the successful defense!

Farewell for Maria

Maria is Saji’s eighth PhD student. All the best in your post-doctoral career!

Poster presentation at FENS Forum 2022 in Paris, France

Zaki, our PhD student, attended the FENS forum in Paris, and presented his work as a poster.

Amrita's Thesis Defense (June 2021)

Congrats to Amrita for her successful thesis defense!

Yee Song's Thesis Defense (June 2021)

Congrats to Yee Song for successfully defending his thesis!

Karen’s Farewell Lunch in July 2020

All the best in MIT!

Outstanding Mentor Award for Research Fellows awarded to Dr Lik Wei

Congrats to Lik Wei for being recognized by his mentees!

Lab Meeting on Zoom during Singapore’s Circuit Breaker Period

There is still so much to discuss while at home!

Prof. Thomas Behnisch’s Visit on February 2020

Thank you, Prof Behnisch, for visiting us!

Radha’s Thesis Defence on January 2020

Radha sharing on STC

Radha with her Thesis Advisory Committee and the Head of Department

Post-defense dinner

A small parting gift – all the best for your post-doctoral career!

Lab’s 6th anniversary on 14th September 2018

Lab Photo in 2018

Ananya’s Thesis Defense on 2018

Ananya with her Thesis Advisory Committee and Head of Department

Congrats on the successful thesis defense – all the best!

Mahima’s Thesis Defense on 2018

Mahima with her Thesis Advisory Committee and collaborators!

Congrats to the second PhD graduate – Dr Mahima! All the best for your post-doctoral career!

Professor Richard Morris’s visit in 2017

Thank you, Prof Morris, for the engaging seminar sharing and your visit!

Mahesh’s Thesis Defense in 2016

Congrats to Dr Mahesh – our lab’s seminal PhD graduate! An exciting post-doctoral journey awaits!

Lab’s first anniversary on 1st August 2013