Thai Tran

Thai Tran


Associate Professor

6516-3663 (Office);
6516-5893 (Lab)


Lung Disease Research Laboratory



  • Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, National University of Singapore
  • Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme, NUS

Research Areas of Interest:

The overarching research focus of the TT laboratory is in the investigation of how the microenvironment (laminin, an extracellular matrix protein and its adaptor protein, CD151) interacts with cells of the lung and how dysregulation of this interaction contributes to lung disease pathophysiology, in particular asthma, respiratory infections and lung cancer. The long-term goal of our research is to identify novel therapeutic targets for these diseases.

Our laboratory has two major areas of research focus:
(A) Role of laminin and CD151 in lung disease pathophysiology through molecular, cellular and disease model approaches.
(B) Identification of novel therapeutic targets of lung diseases.

Selected Publications

  1. Qiao YK, Yan Y, Tan KS, Tan SL, Seet JE, Arumugam TV, Chow VTK, Wang DY, Tran T*. CD151, a novel host factor of nuclear export signaling in influenza virus infection. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2018; 141 (5): 1799-1817 [Impact Factor (IF) = 13.258]
  2. Qiao YK, Tam JKC, Tan SSL, Tai AYK, Chin CY, Stewart AG, Ashman L, Sekiguchi K, Ashman L, Langenback S, Stelmack G, Halayko AJ, Tran T*. CD151, a laminin receptor showing increased expression in asthmatic patients, contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness through calcium signalling. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2017; 139 (1):82-92 [IF = 13.258]
  3. Wong AHP, Nga ME, Chin CC, Tai YK, Wong HC, Soo R, An O, Yang H, Seet JE, Lim YC, Tam JKC, Tran T*. Impact of CD151 overexpression on prognosis and therapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients lacking EGFR mutations. Cell Proliferation. Epub 2024 July. PMID:38982031 [IF = 8.5]
  4. Lee ZY, Tam JKC, Tran T*, Corticosteroid use in respiratory viral infections – friend or foe? Current Opinion in Physiology. 2021; 100450. DOI: 10.1016/j.cophys.2021.06.004.
  5. Cheong DHJ, Tan DWS, Wong FWS, Tran T*. Anti-malarial drug, artemisinin and its derivatives for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Pharmacological Research. 258: 10491; DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104901 [IF = 10.3]
  6. Tan, B. W. Q., Sim, W. L., Cheong, J. K., Kuan, W. S., Tran, T., & Lim, H. F. (2020). MicroRNAs in chronic airway diseases: Clinical correlation and translational applications. Pharmacol Res, 160, 105045. doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105045. IF = 10.3]
  7. Wong AH and Tran T*. CD151 in respiratory diseases. Cell Dev. Biol. 2020; Feb 7; 8:64.
  8. Tan SSL, Ong B, Cheng C, Ho WE, Tam KC, Stewart AG, Harris T, Wong WSF and Tran T*. The Antimalarial Drug Artesunate Inhibits Primary Human Cultured Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 2014; 50(2): 451-458.
  9. Chun YY, Tan KS, Yu L, Pang M, Wong MHM, Nakamoto R, Chua WZ, Wong A, Lew ZZR, Ong HH, Chow VT, Tran T, Wang DY, Sham LT. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023, 28;120(13):e2213584120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2213584120. PMID: 36943879 IF = 11.1]
  10. Yan Y, Tan KS, Li CW, Tran T, Chao SS, Sugrue RJ, Shi L, Chow VT and Wang DY. Human nasal epithelial cells derived from multiple subjects exhibit differential responses to H3N2 influenza infection in vitro. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2016; 138(1):276-281 [IF = 13.258]


  • 1999 National Heart Foundation Undergraduate Research Scholarship, Australia
  • 2001-2004 University of Melbourne Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australia
  • 2000, 2001 ASCEPT - Travel Award, Australia
  • 2001 ASCEPT - Young Investigator Award Finalist, Australia
  • 2001 Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Asthma Postgraduate Scholarship Top-Up
  • 2002 Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT) - Travel Award
  • 2004-2006 National Training Program in Allergy & Asthma Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, Canada
  • 2004-2006 GlaxoSmithKline/Canadian Lung Association/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, Canada
  • 2006 MICH Travel Grant, The Children’s Hospital Foundation, Canada
  • 2006 Rising Star Poster Competition Winner – 3rd Annual National Research Forum for Young Investigators in Circulatory & Respiratory Health, Canada
  • 2007 Manitoba Institute of Child Health (MICH) Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, Canada
  • 2016 NUSMed - Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2014/15
  • 2018 NUSMed - Best Graduate Mentor of the Year Award
  • 2019 NUS School of Medicine (NUSMed) - Young Researcher of the Year Award AY2017/18
  • 2020 NUS Faculty of Science - Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2019/20
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