Educating Future Carers

Educating Future Carers

NUS Nursing alumni who teach and nurture the next generation of students with the latest skills and knowledge.

Nurul Nadiah Binte Abdul Malik Chia

Currently pursuing a Master’s in Education from Monash University. Previously, she was a psychiatric nurse and Nurse Educator in Institute of Mental Health (IMH).
Graduated with: Bachelor of Science (Nursing) (Hons), 2011

I benefited from an all-rounded university experience as an undergraduate at NUS Nursing. Not only were we equipped with a firm foundation in the nursing discipline, we were also encouraged to explore an extensive range of other subjects by taking courses from other faculties. I enjoyed learning about various sociological theories in our Medical Sociology courses. It was enlightening to learn that individual health is greatly influenced by our relationships with others and various socio-economic pressures. With this in mind, it inspired me to be an all-rounded nurse – to plan for the holistic care of patients and to also interact with patients and colleagues from all walks of life.

In my Honours year, I was given the opportunity to present at an overseas conference, 4th East Asian Forum Of Nursing Scholars Conference in Korea with my supervisor Associate Professor Piyanee Klainin-Yobas. That was my first time attending an academic conference and experiencing the cold and snowy weather. It was definitely a nerve-wrecking moment when I had to present, but I’m glad I got to enjoy such a fulfilling experience!

Debbie Tan

Lecturer at NUS Nursing
Graduated with: Bachelor of Science (Nursing), 2014

As an alumnus from NUS Nursing Bachelor of Science (Nursing) programme, the experience has helped me to connect with my students more easily because I have been through a similar learning journey and it helps me understand some of the common struggles that most students may face. For instance, some lab sessions can be up to 4-hour long. This has aided me when drafting a lesson plan where I will try to insert interesting, relevant anecdotes from my clinical experience to keep lessons interesting and enjoyable. Sometimes it could be a heartfelt, tender moment and other times, it could also be a hilarious encounter that would get them laughing out loud. Some of my students have shared that they enjoy such stories because it also helps them remember certain key concepts while learning a new skill.

Dr Siriwan Lim

Senior lecturer at NUS Nursing
Programme Director for Bachelor of Science (Nursing Practice) – Year 3
Graduated with: NUS Nursing’s PhD programme, 2019

The research knowledge and experience that I gained, as well as the networking ties that I have built with expert researchers from different institutions and countries from my PhD journey are priceless! The NUS Nursing’s PhD programme opened doors for me to learn from and collaborate with other clinicians, academicians and researchers locally, regionally and internationally. I’m now holding a joint appointment as a Clinical Associate/Nurse Clinician with the National University Hospital that would allow me to translate my PhD work on patient empowerment into clinical practice. It also allowed me to continue to pursue my educational research as well as provide supervision to NUS Nursing Honours students.