Freshmen Orientation Camp

Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) is a student-organised camp for freshmen entering NUS Nursing to assimilate into both NUS and Nursing. Freshmen will be grouped into their houses to interact with their fellow peers as well as seniors. This allows them to start their university life with a good social support system and bond with their future schoolmates and possible colleagues. Freshmen get to engage in fun games, hone their house spirit and learn more about NUS nursing throughout the entire course of the camp. So what are you waiting for ? Do remember to check out NUS Nursing FOC official Instagram page @nusnursingfoc for more details on the camp !!! P.S. NUS Nursing is known for our amazing welfare, do ask around your seniors if you don’t believe us !

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Orem during FOC games. The games allowed us to work together to solve various challenges and know each other better along the way.

– Xuan Min (Orem)

“Last day of FOC with Peplau! The D&D was a great end to 4 days of FOC together with the house!”

– Yasmine(Peplau)

“Freshmen Orientation Camp. The perfect opportunity to forge new long-lasting friendships with course mates, learn more about the nursing curriculum and receive valuable tips from your seniors even prior to school commencing! Something you surely do not want to miss.”

– Imelda (Watson)

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“Selfie time with our purple Leininjas!”

– Yu Xi (Leininger)

“Johnson’s first House Meeting! For the first time since Freshmen Orientation Camp, Johnson members got to relax and forget about the pressures of campus life for a while and enjoyed each other’s company in bonding games. We also celebrated babies born in July, August, and September!”

– Syasya (Johnson)

“Nightingale rocking in their RED during Freshmen Orientation Camp! Forging new bonds with the Nightingale family they were seeking 🎈🎈”

– Aqilah (Nightingale)

“PINK for Neuman!! Pink mask, pink socks and pink bandana💓”

– Jingwen (Neuman)

“Just a picture depicting the fun times during IHG 2023, letting you guys know that its always okay to have a break :)”

– Wanyi (Roy)

“Even during our free time in between activities during FOC, we still played games with each other like ‘heart attack’ just to spend time and bond with each other more :)”

– Danish (King)

1,2 .. Pull !! Our nursing freshmen and seniors testing their strength and wits in a game of Tug of War during IHG 2023.

– Clement (Benner)