NUS Medicine Research Support Unit (RSU)

The Clinician Scientist Academy accesses support from the NUSmed Research Support Unit (RSU). As a partner in the
long research journey, RSU supports the NUHS research community through a range of services catered to
researchers at different stages of their careers. Professional support for (a) biostatistics, (b) systematic review, and
(c) medical/scientific communication is provided under three component units, each specialising in the area of
expertise. The RSU also trains the wider Singapore research community through small-group teaching and regular
workshops. Please contact the RSU for further details.

Managed by Dr Jennie Wong

The Medical & Scientific Communication (MSC) Unit offers a range of services
for medical and scientific communication which are designed to support
researchers with communicating their research more effectively through
medical/scientific writing. This may take the form of peer-reviewed scholarly
publications, conference presentations, competitive grant applications, and
regulatory submissions as are required in clinical research. For early career
clinical investigators, the MSC offers personal coaching to develop/write their
first clinical research protocols, and write up research findings for presentation at scientific conferences or for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.