Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award

Chng Wee Joo
MB ChB, PhD, FRCP (Edin), FRCPath
Specialty: Haematology Oncology
Research: Genomics and therapeutics of haematologic malignancies particularly, myeloma, acute myeloid leukemia and NKT lymphoma

Daniel G. Tenen
Specialty: Medical Oncology
Research: Gene regulation in normal cells and cancer, Targeting the oncoprotein SALL4 in cancer, Weird RNA biology and cancer

Chee Wei Liang, Michael
FRCP (Edin), MBBS, FAMS (S’pore)
Specialty: Neurology
Research: Sleep deprivation, Healthy brain aging

Christopher Chen Li Hsian
BA (Cantab), BM Bch (Oxon), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), FAMS (S’pore)
Specialty: Neurology
Research: Neuroimaging, molecular biology and treatment of stroke and dementia

Goh Boon Cher
MBBS, Med (Int Med), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), FAMS (S’pore)
Specialty: Medical Oncology
Research: Developmental therapeutics, Phase 1 trials, Pharmacogenetics, Head and neck cancer, Lung cancer

Dario Campana
Specialty: Paediatric Haematology-Oncology
Research: Classification, prognostication and monitoring of acute leukemia, Cell therapy of cancer
Clinician Scientist Award (Senior Investigator)

Mahesh Choolani
MBBS, MMed (O&G, S’pore), FAMS (S’pore). PhD (London), FRCOG (UK), FRANZCOG (Aus & NZ)
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Research: High Risk Pregnancy Care, Fetal Medicine, Prenatal Diagnosis

Lee Soo Chin
MBBS, M.Med (Int Med), MRCP (UK), FAMS, FRCP (Edin)
Specialty: Haematology-Oncology
Research: Breast cancer, Developmental therapeutics, Pharmacogenetic

Yong Eu Leong
MBBS (S’pore), MR COG, PhD
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Research: Reproductive endrocrinology, subfertility polycistic ovarian syndrome
Link: Official Webpage

Chester Lee Drum
Specialty: Cardiology
Research: Gastrointestinal cancer, Drug development

Lim Seng Gee
MBBS, FRCP, FRACP, FAMS, MD, Cert Immunology
Specialty: Hepatology
Research: Functional cure of chronic hepatitis

Vijay Kumar Sharma
Specialty: Neurology
Research: Impact of external counterpulsation therapy on cerebral hemodynamic parameters in patients with symptomatic and severe steno-occlusive disease and impaired cerebral vasodilatory reserve

Lee Chi-Hang, Ronald
Specialty: Cardiology, Sleep Medicine
Research: Cardiosleep Medicine, Clinical Trial, Intracoronary Imaging

Yeoh Eng Juh, Allen
MBBS, MMed (Paediatrics)
Specialty: Paediatric Medicine
Research: Treatment and biology of childhood acute leukemias, Advanced cellular therapy for acute leukemias

Chan Yan Yee, Mark
Specialty: Interventional cardiology
Research: PASSIVATE (PASSIvation of Vulnerable plaque in AcuTe coronary syndrome), AMI-HOPE (Acute Myocardial Infarction allied Health-Oriented, Patient-centered and technology-Enabled Care)

Chai Yi Ann, Louis
MBBS(S’pore), MRCP (UK), Specialist Accreditation in Infectious Disease, PhD (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Specialty: Infectious Diseases

Koh Woon Puay
MBBS (Hons), PhD, FAMS
Specialty: Population Health
Research: Epidemiologic studies of common chronic diseases in Singapore and ageing outcomes
Link: Official Webpage

Seet Chee Seong, Raymond
MBBS(S’pore), MRCP (UK), M Med (Int Med) (S’pore)
Specialty: Neurology
Research: Stroke and ageing research

David Tan Shao Peng
BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons) (London), PG Dip(Oncology), MRCP(UK) (Medical Oncology), PhD(London), FRCP (Edin)
Specialty: Haematology-Oncology
Research: Therapeutics and molecular biomarkers in gynaecological cancers, Early phase drug development and precision oncology leukemias

Yong Wei Peng
MB ChB (University of Aberdeen), MRCP (UK), Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship (University of Chicago)
Specialty: Medical Oncology
Research: Gastrointestinal cancer, cancer organoid, early phase drug development

Tai E Shyong
Specialty: Endocrinology
Research: Ethnic differences in insulin resistance, Nephropathy and microvascular complications in diabetes, Precision population health for prevention of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, Phen-Gen research repository and pre-emptive pharmacogenomics, Health innovations

Ng Siok Bian
Specialty: Haematolymphoid pathology
Research: Molecular genetics of EBV-associated T and NK cell lymphomas
Link: Official Webpage

Chen Ching-Yu
Specialty: Ophthalmology
Research: Epidemiology and genetics of major eye diseases
Clinician Scientist Award (Investigator)

Citra Nurfarah binte Zaini Mattar
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Research: Fetal and perinatal gene therapy and stem cell transplantation; maternal and fetal immune response to intrauterine gene and stem cell therapies

Su Xinyi
MBBChir (Cantab), PhD, MMed (Ophth), FAMS
Specialty: Ophthalmology
Research: Retinal Degenerative Disease, Biomaterials, Stem Cell Retinal Therapy, RNA and Gene Therapy
Link: Official Webpage

Catherine Ong Wei Min
MBBS (S’pore), MRCP (UK), PhD (Imperial College London), FAMS (S’pore)
Specialty: Infectious Diseases
Research: TB host pathogen interactions, biomarker discovery and host-directed therapies
Link: Official Webpage

Chan Shiao-Yng
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Research: Thyroid hormone action in fetal and placental development

Matthew Edward Cove
Specialty: Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine
Research: Novel methods of carbon dioxide removal

Li Lingjun
Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Anand Devaprasath Jeyasekharan
MBBS, MRCP (UK), PhD, FAMS (Medical Oncology)
Specialty: Lymphoma
Research: Modulation of anti-cancer immunity by DNA damage; targeting of defective DNA repair in cancer
Link: Official Webpage

Feng Lei
MBBS (China), PhD (S’pore)
Specialty: Psychological Medicine
Research: Healthy ageing, dementia prevention, geriatric epidemiology

Tham Huiwen Elizabeth
MBBS(S’pore), MMed(Paeds)(S’pore), MRCPCH(UK), FAMS(S’pore), MCI(S’pore)
Specialty: Paediatrics, allergy & immunology
Research: Mechanisms and Biotherapeutics for Paediatric Allergic Disorders

Yeo Leong Litt, Leonard
MBBS(S’pore), MMed(Int Med), MRCP(UK), ASN
Specialty: Neurology
Research: Acute Ischemic Stroke management, Collateral circulation
Clinician Innovator Award (Investigator)

Victor Koh Teck Chang
MBBS (S’pore), MMed (Ophth), MRCSEd, MSc, FAMS
Specialty: Ophthalmology
Research: Disruptive innovative medical devices designed for community-based ophthalmic diagnostics, New laser/implants for refractory glaucoma

Hung Leng Kaan
MBBS (S’pore), MRCS, MMed (Surg), FRCS, MCI
Specialty: General Surgery
Research: Surgical Innovation; Robotic Endoscopy; Intragastric Balloons

James Thomas Patrick Decourcy Hallinan
Specialty: Diagnostic Radiology
Research: Musculoskeletal and spine radiology: leveraging deep learning models to enhance MRI and CT reporting for spinal metastases, stenosis, and spinal cord compression

Goh Yonggeng
Specialty: Diagnostic Radiology
Research: Breast Cancer Imaging

Lim Yinghao
MBBS, MMed (Internal Medicine), MRCP (UK), MCI, Diplomate (NBE)
Specialty: Cardiology
Research: Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Medical and Device Innovation, Pulmonary Hypertension, Structural Intervention, Transoesophageal Echocardiography

Chua Horng Ruey
MBBS, MMed (NUS), MRCP(UK), FRCP (Edin), FAMS (S’pore),
Specialty: Renal Medicine
Research: Acute kidney injury, Biomarkers of renal tubular injury, Informatics, Data analytics to predict kidney disease, Continuous renal replacement therapy, Critical care nephrology, Metabolic syndromey

Gao Yujia
MBBS, MRCS (Edin), DFD (CAW)(S’pore), MMed (Surgery)(S’pore), FRCS Ed (Gen Surgery)(Edin)
Specialty: General Surgery
Research: Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery
HPHSR Clinician Scientist Award (Senior Investigator)

Kavita Venkataraman
Specialty: Epidemiology
Research: Cardiometabolic diseases with a specific focus on diabetes and its complications, rehabilitation care, care integration, patient perspectives of care, and patient-reported outcomes.

Wee Hwee Lin
BSc (Pharm) (Hons), PhD
Specialty: Public Health
Research: Use of real-world data in economic evaluation of health technologies and health services, incorporating patient and public preferences in the design of health services and health policy

Tan Ker Kan
MBBS, MMed (Surgery), FRCS (Edin), PhD (Public Health)
Specialty: General Surgery (Colorectal)
Research: Colorectal caner screening

Shefaly Shorey
BSc (Nursing), PhD
Specialty: Nursing
Research: Maternal, paternal, and newborn health across perinatal period, development and evaluation of psychosocial and educational interventions for varied populations

Luo Nan
Specialty: –
Research: Health-related quality of life measurement, Health services research
HPHSR Clinician Scientist Award (Investigator)

Tham Yih Chung
BSc, PhD
Specialty: Ocular epidemiology
Research: Visual impairment, age-related eye diseases, ocular imaging and deep learning

Melissa Ooi Gaik Ming
Specialty: Haematology
Research: Plasma cell dyscrasias, acute leukaemia, myelodysplasia

Chen Huijun, Cynthia
BSc, MSc, PhD
Specialty: Economics of Ageing
Research: Public Health and Ageing, Healthcare Financing, Economic Evaluation, Biostatistics

John Soong Tshon Kit
MBChB, FRCP(Edin,Lon), FAMS, PhD
Specialty: Advanced Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine
Research: Acute Medical Unit, critical care & perioperative Medicine, health services research; point-of-care ultrasonography, clinical simulation
Link: Official Webpage