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Dear Colleagues,

The Organising Committee of APMEC 2012 and the Medical Education Unit (MEU), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System, cordially invite you to attend the 9th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) from 11th to 15th January 2012 at the National University of Singapore, Singapore.

The theme for our 9th APMEC is "TOWARDS TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS in the 21st Century - Nurturing Lifelong Habits of Mind, Behaviour, and Action – Trends, Issues, Priorities, Strategies (TIPS)". The theme reflects global and regional focus in developing versatile healthcare professionals to meet the demands of the 21st century.

The aim of the conference is to share and learn from the experts in medical and healthcare professional education and best practices adopted internationally. This year, I am happy to note that we have a full array of pre-conference workshops covering medical and healthcare professional education as well as pre–conference training programs conducted in collaboration with the European Association of Standardised Patient Educators (ASPE) and the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE).

We will also take the opportunity to share with you our new Translational Research Centre which houses the state-of-the-art teaching-learning facilities and the simulation training centre. We have specially organised tours to this facility and would like you to join one of the tours.

For the 9th APMEC, we endeavour to make it more engaging and interactive for your maximum benefit. We have introduced a special segment – “Great Ideas in Medical Education (GIME)”. This session aims to generate discussion, creative thoughts as well as potential collaboration among the participants and faculty. Do share one of your innovative idea/program with your fellow participants. We invite you to contribute your idea in this enriching program.

Another feature that we have introduced is the “Best Practices In Healthcare Professional Education Series”. Traditionally, most healthcare professional education (HPE) was input-based, highly discipline-specific, highly lecture-based, and highly teacher-directed. HPE in the 21st century now strongly advocates an outcome-based approach, greater integration of course disciplines, more interactive teaching-learning styles- especially in small learning groups, and student-centred learning with greater involvement of students in the teaching-learning process itself. Such major paradigm shifts in HPE have made it imperative for HPE to adopt best practices in the design and delivery of the HP curriculum. This session is primarily aimed at reviewing and enhancing understanding of some of the more important best practices which can be adopted in HPE, thus reflecting the changing trends in HPE of the 21st century.

The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference has grown and strengthened over the years. It is now in its 9th year attracting participants, not only from the Asia-Pacific region, but also from around the globe. For our 8th APMEC 2011, close to 700 medical and healthcare professionals from 38 countries participated. We hope to see an even stronger participation in 2012. As per previous APMECs, we have invited distinguished medical and health professional educators to share their experiences, expertise and wisdom in our 9th APMEC 2012. More details are available at our website http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/meu/apmec9/.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to join us at our 9th APMEC 2012 and to submit abstract/s for this Conference.

I look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to Singapore in January 2012.


Dujeepa D. Samarasekera MHPE
Chairman, Organising Committee 9th APMEC 2012
Deputy Head, Medical Education Unit (MEU)
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
National University Health System
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