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A two day Pre Conference course on SP Methodology by ASPE

Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 January 2012 8.30am – 5.30pm
Learning Room 03-04, Level 3, Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

ASPE (Association of Standardized Patient Educators) is an international organisation for professionals in the field of Simulated and Standardised Patient methodology that was developed in 2001. The mission of the Association and its members is to promote and support the development and advancement of Simulated/Standardised Patient (SP) education and research in the Health Sciences. ASPE is pleased to partner with APMEC for a two days Pre-conference course on SP-methodology. Course givers will be Mrs. Gayle Gliva, Director, Professional Skills Teaching and Assessment Sentara Center for Simulation & Immersive Learning at Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA and Dr. Jan-Joost Rethans, Director of SP- and Communication Skills Programme at the Maastricht Medical School (Skillslab, Maastricht University, The Netherlands). Dr Mara McAdams, Assistant Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore will also assist in this course. Both Dr Rethans and Mrs Gayle Gliva have served as Board Members of ASPE and have wide international experience in working with SPs and SP-educators.

Course level
Course level will focus on SP-educators at beginner/intermediate level.

Content/intended outcome of the two days course
At the end of the course the participants will know about and/or have practiced:
  • writing a script for SP roles
  • different ways to train SPs including the difference between training simulated and standardized patients ( in roles for teaching and assessment)
  • training in simulation in physical findings
  • training SPs in giving feedback
  • setting up an infrastructure for a SP programme (selecting SPs, how to manage a SP -bank, how to build SPs into a medical curriculum etc)
Emphasis of the course is on active learning-by-doing. Course methods will be a mixture of demonstration of techniques, short mini lectures, ‘doing-it-yourself’ followed by discussion and feedback and small groups work. Through the two days there is also much room for questioning and exchange of (international) experiences.

Course participants will be distributed a SP reader with useful references and main papers on SP-methodology and hand-out materials.
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CME/CNE/CPE accreditation are being finalised.
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