Our Partnerships

N2CR works with other internal parties to implement our vision.

National University Cancer Institute, Singapore

National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS) is a national cancer specialist centre under the National University Health System (NUHS) which treats both paediatric and adult cancers in one facility. Many N2CR members are also NCIS clinicians  and as such there is a shared talent pool.

In order to encourage collaboration between clinicians and fundamental scientists, NCIS and N2CR initiated a joint grant with a focus on high quality pilot projects, with an emphasis on translational projects and the promotion of collaboration between bench scientists and clinicians.

Clinician Scientist Academy

N2CR aims to train the next generation of cancer researchers through a new joint initiative with the National University Health System (NUHS) Clinician Scientist Academy (CSA) to support junior clinicians who may be interested in research. This initiative, N2CR-CSA Research Tryouts/ Clinician Immersion Programme, is designed to provide opportunities to junior clinicians to gain experience in research and biomedical science (wet and dry labs). N2CR hopes to promote more translational work and to broaden the pool of clinician scientists by providing these research opportunities to junior residents.

Each clinician will be guided by a scientific and/or clinical mentor (at least one from N2CR) who will advise him/her in developing their research interest. This programme is in two-stages and aims to equip participants with practical and mentored experiences in a research lab.

Stage 1: Beginner Clinician Immersion Programme

  • Suitable for junior residents (JR) who could make use of their 1 month off to attend lab meetings, scientific department meetings and be exposed to lab work.
  • Recommend for JR who are under oncology training.
  • The JR could also opt for lab rotations among N2CR members’ labs.

Stage 2: Advanced Clinician Immersion Programme

  • Residents who are interested to further their lab work experience may proceed to apply for this advanced stage. They will have to provide a short project proposal to obtain some research consumables funding.
  • Candidates will commit between 4 to 12 weeks or more in a lab, either a week at a time or at a stretch.

Junior clinicians who are accepted into this programme will become associate members of N2CR with access to a range of educational and research talks and activities. Please click here to view the benefits of being an associate member.

For enquiries, please email n2cr@nus.edu.sg

Clinician Scientist Development Unit

The NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Clinician Scientist Development Unit (CSDU) provides guidance and training to develop the research careers of budding clinician-scientists in NUHS.

Given the shared interest in developing the next generation of research talent, a new partnership is formed between CSDU and N2CR: ‘N2CR-CSDU Career Development Programme’ which is designed to nurture promising young clinician-scientists with an interest in cancer research. This Career Development Programme will cover a number of elements, from finding N2CR mentors for the budding clinician-scientist, to jointly funding research projects, with the eventual intent that the budding clinician-scientist is able to develop his/her research ideas into competitive grants. Seed funding grant will be available to help them to obtain national level awards.

Budding clinician-scientists who are accepted as N2CR-CSDU Career Development Fellows will become associate members of N2CR with access to a range of educational and research talks and activities. Please click here to view the benefits of an associate member.

For enquiries, please email n2cr@nus.edu.sg