NRF 33nd Competitive Research Programme (CRP) Call 2025

Dear All, Greetings. We would like to announce the pre-launch of the 33rd National Research Foundation (NRF) Competitive Research Programme (CRP) Grant Call. Funding duration: 3-5 years (inclusive of 30% IRC) Eligibility: The lead and team PIs must hold a primary appointment in a local publicly funded institution and have no outstanding reports from other national grants. Parallel submission of grant applications are not allowable. Submission deadline to NUHS RO & IGMS: 23 April 2025, 12pm

[Grant call] Announcing Singapore NRF Fellowship Call (Class of 2026)

Dear All, We would like to announce the release of the Singapore NRF Fellowship (Class of 2026) Grant Call. Eligibility: Early career researchers (any nationality) with no more than 7 years of post-PhD experience Funding quantum: S$3.25 million (inclusive of 30% IRC) over 5 years Submission: Via IGMS by 7-May-25 (Wednesday) @ 3pm If there are any queries, please contact NRF Fellowship secretariat:

[Invitation] 31st International Cell Death Society Meeting: 28 – 30 May 2025 @ MD11, CRC Auditorium, NUS

CRC Auditorium, MD11, Singapore 117597 , Singapore

Dear All,  Greetings. You are cordially invited to the 31st International Cell Death Society (ICDS) Meeting. The meeting details are shown below: Date: 28 – 30 May 2025 Venue: MD11, CRC Auditorium, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS For more information about the meeting, please refer to the attached poster or visit ICDS official webpage. We look forward to your participation!