Membership Information

Join us as a member

Why join N2CR?

N2CR aims to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and clinicians with research interests relevant to cancer to create a vibrant and collegial research community; to engage our members in collaborative networks and exploit unique local strengths to tackle major research challenges. We will nucleate and assemble globally competitive thematic research programmes that may qualify for major competitive grants, through support for collaborations, seed funding, shared facilities and training.

N2CR runs partnership programmes with the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Clinician Scientist Development Unit (CSDU) and the National University Health System Clinician Scientist Academy (CSA) to promote the career development of budding clinician scientists.

Clinicians who are accepted into the CSDU programme and are selected for the N2CR-CSDU Career Development Programme and clinicians who are accepted into CSA in the N2CR-CSA Research Tryouts/ Clinician Immersion Programme will be granted Associate Membership of N2CR.

For further information on the CSDU please click here and for CSA please click here.

For further information on N2CR partnership programmes, please click here

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Members are able to:

  • Access N2CR Site-specific resources / core facility
  • Access NUSMed Core facilities
  • Participate in seminars / workshops / symposiums etc.
  • Access to collaborative links and networking opportunities