Career Day

Session: Ace Your Research in Academia (1000-1200hr)


Wee Joo Chng

Director at National University Cancer Institute, Singapore - NCIS

Zhi Xiong Chen

Assistant Dean (Education) at NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Kevin SW Tan

Vice-Dean (Graduate Studies) at NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Session: Break into the Fast-tracked Biomedical Industry (1300-1400hr)


Shuwen Koh

Deputy Group Chief Technology Officer at NUHS

William Tan

Associate Director Medical Affairs (Mirxes)

Ashley Wittorf

APAC Head of Business Development, Johnson & Johnson

Sashi Kesavapany

Director, Biomedical Science, SGInnovate

Session: From Lab Bench to Store Shelves (1400-1515hr)


Lawrence Ho

Director, Centre for Innovation in Healthcare, NUHS

Siang Lin Yeow

Head of Enterprise, National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC)

Ajith Isaac

Investment Manager, STRIVE, Pre-Seed and Seed stage enablers

Pei She Loh

NUS Medicine Alumni, Ex-Chair ABSC Congress 2021

Session: Unlock Your Leadership Potential (1545-1700hr)


Xian Jun Loh

Executive Director, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR

Annie Lim

Vice President Human Resources at Hummingbird Bioscience

Roger Foo

Director, Cardiovascular Disease Translational Research Programme,
Assistant Dean (Research), NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Head, NUHS Clinician Scientist Academy

Juliana Chan

CEO & Publisher Wildtype Media Group