About Us

NUS Medicine Graduate Student Society

NUSMed GSS is the heart of our graduate students' social and academic lives. NUSMed GSS is run by a dedicated team of graduate student leaders with the mission to serve, connect, and enrich graduate student life.

NUSMed GSS is an accredited students’ society under the umbrella of the Division of Graduate Studies at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Our Team 2023

Leadership Core

Isha Karnik


Liu Cong

General Secretary

Aisha Noreen


Katrina Liao Yingqi

Director of Student Affairs

Peng Yuxiao

Director of Community Affairs

Executive Sub-Committee

Nipuni Maniyamgama

Vice President

Zhang Dijin

Marketing Officer

Kong Dewei

ABSC congress secretary

Jinglin Ruan

Welfare Secretary

Feride Karatekin

Scientific and Career Affairs Secretary