Objectives & Programs
Objectives & Programs

A/Prof. Manoor Prakash Hande
Safety Chairman
Department of Physiology
01 Feb 2018
The Department of Physiology considers the provision of a safe and healthy work environment for its staff, students, contractors and visitors a top priority and prerequisite for achieving the primary mission of conducting excellent teaching and research at the highest international standard and for fulfulling the vision of being a leading NUS global department. This commitment to protect its human resource also extends to ensuring that the Department’s operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage. This policy is applicable to all staff, students, visitors and contractors working in the department.
Safety and Health Objectives and Programmes 2025
Time frame: As mentioned in the following safety objectives
Departmental Safety Objectives
- To transition at least 50% of the Department of Physiology Risk Assessments to the 5×5 Risk Matrix format and encourage all labs under the Department to convert 30% of their existing Risk Assessments to the 5×5 Matrix by February 2025.
- To streamline Department lab orientation for new staff and students by providing a comprehensive and easily accessible online safety induction course for MD9 by February 2025.
- To promote the emotional and physical health of the staff and students in the Department from May 2024 to February 2025.
Departmental Safety Programs
The department has established the following programmes and we will maintain these programmes in order to achieve the objectives:
Risk Assessment Writing workshop(s) for Dept Staff and Students:
- Organising of workshop(s) to provide additional and refresher training to staff and students in conducting Risk Assessments and to promote the use of the 5×5 Risk Matrix.
Creation of an online lab orientation module for new staff and students:
- Setting up of an online graded CANVAS module that replaces the current hardcopy lab orientation package covering lab hazards and safety compliance.
- Creation of a MD9 tour video to enhance both safety orientation and general departmental onboarding for new staff and students.
Providing opportunities and activities to improve emotional health and physical health:
- Organising and supporting quarterly Emotional Health Seminars for Dept staff and students to promote emotional health and well-being.
- Promoting an active lifestyle by providing yoga classes every semester and providing incentives for staff and students to participate in physical activities.
Safety Responsibility
- HOD takes the ultimate responsibility for establishing the Departmental Safety and Health Management System (SHMS) and for the safety and wellness of all staff and students in the department.
- HOD ensures that the Department is in compliance with all applicable Safety and Health (S&H) legislative requirements and NUS S&H policies.
- HOD appoints Department Safety and Health Committee (DSHC) and endorses the Safety and Health promotion programs and activities.
- HOD has the authority to close and reopen laboratories that have lapses in safety compliance based on findings of Department’s safety inspections or investigations.
- PI is responsible for establishing an effective SHMS specific for their laboratories.
- PI is responsible to obtain their Lab Safety and Health Management System Certification issued by ORMC.
- PI ensures that the laboratory’s activities and laboratory personnel (including staff, students, visitors and contractors) are in compliance with applicable legislative requirements and NUS, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) and Department of Physiology’s policy.
- PI is responsible to enforce safety and health rules and regulations in their laboratory.
- PI ensures that risk assessments (RAs) are conducted and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are established for all laboratory activities.
- PI supports and facilitates safety and health promotion programs organized by DSHC, and encourages laboratory members to participate in safety precaution activities (e.g. fire drill, safety video screening).
- PI is responsible to ensure that the laboratory staff and students attend relevant safety training courses.
- PI has to obtain radiation licenses if the laboratory works with radioactive compounds and for possession of non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus.
- PI and the safety lead in the laboratory have to investigate accidents, incidents and near-misses in the laboratory.
- To establish, review and implement the Department SHMS, under the direct leadership of HOD.
- To support and assist PIs in the effective implementation of the Department’s SHMS in the laboratories.
- To identify, evaluate and eliminate potential health hazards in the Department.
- To investigate accidents, incidents and near-misses in the Department.
- To act as a resource and point of contact for staff and students on all occupational health and safety issues.
- To promote safety awareness in the Department.
- To plan and coordinate emergency responses including fire, and both chemical and biological spills.
- To devise emergency plans and to conduct safety drills in the Department.
- To maintain the safety and health equipment and emergency equipment in the Department.
- To provide guidance, advice and technical assistance to PIs, Laboratory Technologists/Laboratory Executive (LT/LE), research personnel and students in the Department on measures to be taken in the interests of safety and health issues.
- To plan, facilitate and participate in the Department safety audits.
- To organize safety video screening/briefing and spring cleaning.
- To organize, conduct and oversee regular biological, chemical, and radiation waste disposal.
- To investigate accidents, incidents and near-misses in the Department.
- To act as a resource and point of contact for staff and students on all occupational health and safety issues.
- To organize and conduct activities to promote health and safety.
- Report any staff/students who do not follow safety rules.
- To assist the PI in establishing an effective SHMS specific for the laboratory.
- To support the PI in implementing and enforcing the SHMS in the laboratory and PI certification.
- Together with PI , to implement and enforce University, Faculty and Departmental safety and health regulations.
- To coordinate the safety and health activities and events in the laboratory.
- To conduct safety orientation and training for new staff and students in the laboratory.
- To support the PI in conducting the work-based RAs for new research activities and new laboratory equipment.
- To establish relevant SOPs for laboratory activities and main laboratory equipment.
- To encourage laboratory members to participate in safety promotion programs organized by DSHC.
- To report any laboratory-related accidents, incidents and near-misses to PI , DSHC, HOD and ORMC, and submit the report to the Online Reporting System if applicable.
- To take charge of all waste disposal processes in the laboratory.
- To coordinate between PIs and research staff for registration of training, vaccination and application of licenses (eg radiation license).
- To comply with all S&H rules and regulations of the laboratory, Department, YLLSOM and NUS.
- To familiarize and understand the SHMS of the laboratory and the Department.
- To follow all established SOPs in conducting all laboratory activities.
- To understand risks involved at workplace and RA conducted in the laboratory.
- To conduct relevant RA and establish SOPs for any new laboratory activities and for new materials or equipment used.
- To read Safety Data Sheet (S.D.S.)* before using chemicals in the laboratory. *Formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheet (M.S.D.S.).
- To attend relevant training courses organized by YLLSOM and ORMC with certification and to submit these certificates to the LT/LE for records.
- To attend the Animal Handling Course conducted by AHU if they are required to do animal work.
- To participate in all the S&H programs and activities organized by DSHC.
- To report any laboratory-related accidents, incidents and near-misses to the L T and PI at the earliest possible time.
- To provide feedbacks to LT, PI and DSHC for improvements of S&H practices in the laboratory.
- To be vaccinated against Tetanus (for animal work) and Hepatitis B (for human samples).
- To report any laboratory-related accidents, incidents and near-misses to PI, DSHC, HOD and ORMC, and to submit the report in the Online Reporting System, if applicable.
- To ensure workplace safety in the administration office (eg. fire safety, ergonomic safety).
- To keep themselves informed of the conditions affecting their safety and health.
- To adhere to safety and health practices in their workplace, classroom and laboratories.
- To report to the respective supervisor or PI , LT or DSHC of hazards in the workplace, classroom or laboratories.
- To participate in training programs provided by the Department and ORMC.