Translational Research Programs


Translational Research Programs

Our department is at the forefront of cutting-edge translational research, seamlessly bridging the gap between basic science and clinical application. By leveraging advanced methodologies and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we translate innovative discoveries into practical solutions that enhance patient care and advance medical practice. Through a dynamic and impactful research environment, we continuously drive progress in medical science and improve health outcomes globally. Our faculty is affiliated with the various Translational Research Programmes:

The NUS Centre for Cancer Research (N2CR) strives to advance innovative methods for detecting, curing, and preventing cancer through leading-edge fundamental research.

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The cardiovascular metabolic disease translational research program addresses the top disease burden by translating cutting-edge research into innovative treatments for cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, aiming to reduce their significant impact on public health.

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The Digital Medicine Translational Research Program harnesses digital medicine and AI to develop urgently needed solutions that can be rapidly deployed, leveraging the core expertise of WisDM.

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The Healthy Longevity program unites scientists and clinicians to explore the complex biology of aging, aiming to deepen our understanding and advance approaches to promoting longevity.

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Maximising human potential for health and productivity. We are an inter-disciplinary group of researchers from the basic science and clinical departments of NUS.

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The infectious diseases programme aims to provide a holistic patient-centric approach to infectious diseases that are relevant to Singapore and the Region.

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The immunology program seeks to elucidate immune system functions and regulation to drive the discovery and development of more effective treatments for diseases.

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Nanomedicine TRP focuses on the development of nanomedical technologies based on nanoparticles designed for advanced diagnostics and targeted delivery.

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Precision medicine is an approach that integrates molecular data across various systems (such as genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics) with environmental, lifestyle, and healthcare information.

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The Synthetic Biology for Clinical & Technological Innovation (SynCTI) translates basic research excellence with clinical medicine to impact positive health outcomes for Singapore.

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