
20 Apr 2021
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching…
A/Prof Sanjay Khanna and A/Prof Saji Kumar Sreedharan have been selected to receive the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excell…
12 Apr 2021
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Best Gra…
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Best Graduate Research Publication Award 2021 Raghav Sundar PhD. Physiology, 1st Author Publicatio…
9 Apr 2021
Jason Lee featured on NUSNews, MEDSPRESS…
Research Associate Professor Jason Lee was featured on Thomson Reuters Foundation and Youtube for his research work on heat stress mana…
9 Apr 2021
Dr Chen Zhi Xiong appointed as Director,…
Congratulations to Dr Chen Zhi Xiong on his appointment as director on International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) B…
9 Apr 2021
Dr Chen Zhi Xiong appointed as Member, N…
Congratulations to Dr Chen Zhi Xiong on his appointment as member of the NUS Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee (FTEC).
9 Apr 2021
A/Prof Jason Lee appointed as Member, Na…
Congratulations to A/Prof Jason Lee on his appointment as member of National Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee, Health Pr…
9 Apr 2021
Dr Crasta Karen Carmelina appointed as M…
Congratulations to Dr Crasta Karen Carmelina on her appointment as NUHS Women in Science and Healthcare (WISH) Executive Council Member…
9 Mar 2021
Winners of Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research …
GOLD Research Award Chong SJF, Iskandar K, Lai JXH, Qu J, Raman D, Valentin R, Herbaux C, Collins M, Low ICC, Loh T, Davids M, Perv…
24 Dec 2020
A/Prof Hande appointed as Asst Dean-Desi…
A/Prof Manoor Prakash Hande has been appointed as Asst Dean-Designate (Safety/Research Facilities Management) from 1 Jan 2021. Hearty c…
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