
Award Featured on the world’s top 2% most-cited researchers that
was published on 6 October 2023 by Elsevier.
Awardee  Prof Shazib Perviz, A/Prof Ling Shuo-Chien and Prof Shen Han
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award for
Awardee  Dr. Tsai Shih-Yin & Dr. Tee Wee Wei
Award American Thoracic Society International Trainee Scholarship 2023

Zhao Yong [Supervisor: Thai Tran]

For the abstract: The Role Of Glucocorticoids On Cluster Of Differentiation 151 (CD151) Expression In
Influenza A Virus Replication DOI

Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award for 2023
Awardee Dr. Derrick Ong
Award 10th Annual Biomedical and Scientific Congress (ABSC) 2022
Awardee Best Poster Presentation:
Sim Wei Liang [Supervisor: Thai Tran]Best Oral Presentation:
New ChihSheng [Supervisor: Thai Tran]
Award NUS Medicine Outstanding Research Fellow Award 2022
Awardee Dr. Ira Agrawal - second runner-up
Award NUSMed B2B Collaboration Grant
Awardee Dr Yoon Jeehyun
Award NUS Medicine Outstanding Research Fellow Award 2021
Awardee Dr. Deng Shuo - second runner-up
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Researcher of the Year Award AY2019/2020
Awardee Prof Hanry Yu
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award AY2019/2020
Awardee Dr John Chua
Award 2022 Science Pitch Day
Awardee Best Pitch Award:
Best Presentation: Maria Vazquez Pavon (Sajikumar lab)
1st Runner Up: M Ganeshkumar (Andrew Tan lab)
2nd Runner Up: Eu Jie Qing (Shazib Pervaiz lab)
People’s Choice Award: M Ganeshkumar (Andrew Tan lab)Concept Grant Presentation Awards (in no particular
Amogh Gupta (Reshma Taneja lab)
Mohammad Zaki Bin Ibrahim (Sajikumar lab)
Neelima Gupta (Reshma Taneja lab)
Award 2021 Science Pitch Day
Awardee Best Pitch Award:
Best Presentation: Loh Wei Zhern Kelvin (Soong Lab)
1st Runner Up: Nandini Karthik (Taneja Lab)
2nd Runner Up: Choo Zhang’E (Hooi/Chen Lab)
People’s Choice Award: Elisa Marie Crombie (Tsai Lab)Concept Grant Presentation Awards (in no particular
Angeline Liew Qiu Xia (Pervaiz Lab)
Lily Anna Henry (Pouladi Lab)
Sim Wei Liang (Tran Lab)
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Best Graduate Research Publication Award 2021
Awardee Raghav Sundar, Ph.D. Physiology, 1st Author
Award QS 2020 world ranking
Awardee NUS Anatomy & Physiology are ranked 20th in the QS 2020 world ranking
Award Venus International Women Award - Distingushed Woman Researcher in Epigenetics
Awardee Prof Reshma Taneja
Award 1st runner up for Best Basic Science Poster, NCAM meeting 2020
Awardee Joanne Lam
Award NUS Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) 3MT Competition Finalist
Awardee Cheong Hui Juan Dorothy
Award NUS Faculty of Science Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize 2019/2020 (Individual)
Awardee Ong Shujian
Award 2020 Science Pitch Day - Best Pitch Award
Awardee Best Presentation: Saravanan S/O Gunaseelan (Advisor: John Chua)
1st Runner Up: Sean Yeow Qing Zhang (Advisor: Soong Tuck Wah)
2nd Runner Up: Ng Yong Quan Gavin (Advisor: Thiruma Arumugam)
People’s Choice Award: Cheong Hui Juan Dorothy (Advisor: Thai Tran)
Award 2020 Science Pitch Day - Concept Grant Presentation Awards (in no particular order)
Awardee Maria Vazquez Pavon (Advisor: Sajikumar Sreedharan)
Leung Jia Yu (Advisor: Reshma Taneja)
Eu Jie Qing (Advisor: Shazib Pervaiz)
Award Yeoh Seang Aun Prizes (in Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases)-Graduate Prize 2020
Awardee Saravanan Gunaseelan
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Best Graduate Research Publication Award 2020
Awardee Lu Guang
Dominic Paul Lee Kok Sheng
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award for AY2018/2019
Awardee Dr Ling Shuo-Chien
Award 2019 L’Oreal for Women in Science National Fellowship
Awardee Dr Ng Shi Yan
Award 8th Annual Biomedical and Scientific Congress (ABSC) 2019
Awardee Cheong Hui Juan Dorothy [Supervisor: Thai Tran]
Lee Zhao Yong [Supervisor: Thai Tran]
Upasana Bajaj [Supervisor: Reshma Taneja]
Sharmalee Selvaraji [Supervisors: Kah-Leong Lim & Thiruma Arumugam]
Award Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR) and International Society for Respiratory Diseases (ISRD) -
Travel Award
Awardee Dorothy Cheong
Award 14th NUS-Nagasaki Joint Symposium 2019
2nd Medical Sciences Cluster Infectious Disease Symposium - Best Poster Presentation
Awardee Saravanan Gunaseelan
Award 2019 Science Pitch Day - Best Pitch Award
Awardee Best Presentation: Hang Liting (Lim Kah Leong lab)
1st Runner Up: Ananya Pal (Reshma Taneja lab)
2nd Runner Up: Amanda Wong (Thai Tran lab)
People’s Choice Award: Lu Guang (Shen Han Ming lab)
Award 2019 Science Pitch Day - Concept Grant Presentation Awards
Awardee Jolin Lai Xiao Hui (Shazib Pervaiz lab)
Nandini Karthik (Reshma Taneja lab)
Emily Nickles (Herbert Schwarz lab)
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Researcher of the Year Award AY2017/2018
Awardee Prof Shen Han-Ming
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Young Researcher of the Year Award AY2017/2018
Awardee A/Prof Thai Tran
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Best Graduate Research Publication Award Winners-2019
Awardee Wang Liming
Award ASPR Asthma Assembly Award at Asia Pacific Society of Respirology
Awardee Cheong Hui Juan Dorothy
Award Best Abstract Award at American Thoracic Society
Awardee Wong Huee Ping Amanda
Award Best Poster Award at EMBO Workshop 2018 “Molecular mechanisms of developmental and regenerative Biology”
Awardee Qu Yinghua
Award Best Poster Presentation Award at Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Student Society Annual Symposium
Awardee Saravanan S/O Gunaseelan
Award 10th Models of Physiology and Diseases Symposium 2018 Best Poster Award
Awardee Lu Guang, Ananya Pal, Wilcyn Tang, Poh Luting (Listed in no particular order)
Award Excellence in Neuroscience Research Award
Awardee A/Prof Thiruma Valavan Arumugam
Award President's Science Award
Awardee A/Prof Lim Kah Leong
Award Singapore Neuroscience Association Distinguished Neuroscience Award
Awardee A/Prof Lim Kah Leong
Award EMBO Travel Award
Awardee Kapish Gupta
Award SCSS-EMBO2018 Fellowship Award
Awardee Qu Yinghua
Award Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize (Life Sciences Major, Individual Category AY2017/18)
Awardee Lee Jia Qi
Award Pitch Perfect Awards 2018
Awardee Best Pitch - Patrick Ampomah
Awardee 1st runner up - Song Ziwei
Awardee 2nd runner up - Shruti Srinivasan
Awardee People's Choice Award - Wong Ruixiong
Award Concept Grant Best Pitch Awards
Awardee Bhushan Dharmadhikari
Awardee Saravanan S/O Gunaseelan
Awardee Upasana Bajaj
Award Best Graduate Research Publication Awards 2018
Awardee Qiao Yong Kang and Zhang Jianbin
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award AY2016/2017
Awardee Assoc Prof Reshma Taneja and Dr Sajikumar Sreedharan
Award Muscle Biology in Health & Disease Conference 2018 Best Poster Award
Awardee Elisa Crombie, Shruti Srinivasan and Ruth Jinfen Chai (Listed in no particular order)
Award Young Investigator Award - Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Awardee Dr. Stephen Chong
Award Oon Chiew Seng Fellow in Medicine (Women’s Health & Ageing Science)
Awardee Dr. Tsai Shih-Yin
Award Hernandez Memorial Scholarship
Awardee Mr. Tan Xiang Ren
Award ACSM Student Foundation Award
Awardee Mr. Tan Xiang Ren
Award Wong Hock Boon (WHB) Society Research Fellowship 2017
Awardee Lee Pei Yu (second year medical student under guidance of Dr. Karthik Mallilankaraman)
Award 16th TNF Superfamily Meeting, best oral presentation award 2017
Awardee Bhushan Dharmadhikari
Award Singaporean Society for Immunology Travel Award (to attend the 16th International Congress of
Immunology) 2016
Awardee Ms. Wu Meihui
Award Best Poster award at Physiology Symposium 2015
Awardee Dr. Fann Yang-Wei David
Award Best poster award at AGSC 2017
Awardee Mr. Joonki Kim
Award Best Poster at the 2017 EMBO Workshop on Mitochondrial Quality Control
Awardee Chan Hui Ying
Award Best Poster Prize from the FENS SfN Summer School 2017 ‘ Chemical Neuromodulation’
Awardee Ms. Amrita Benoy
Award Swee-Liew Wadsworth Concept grants
Awardee Foo Sok Lin, Zeng Qun, Li Yating, Wang Jigang, Akshay Bhat, Wong Lik Wei
Award Swee-Liew Wadsworth Intradepartmental Grants
Awardee Ling Shuo-Chien & Shen Han-Ming and Lina Lim & Gene Yeo
Award Poster award under the category, "People's Choice award" at FASEB
Awardee Dr Narendra Bharathy
Award Association for the Study of Neuron and Disease (AND) Investigator Award 2016
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award 2016 Scientist-Entrepreneur Award Prof Hanry Yu, InvitroCue Pte Ltd
Awardee Professor Hanry Yu
Award NUS Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award AY2014/2015
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award Faculty Research Excellence Award – AY2013/2014
Awardee A/Prof Shen Han Ming
Award 2013 A*STAR Scientist-Entrepreneur Award 2013, Team Leader for team HistoIndex Pte Ltd
Awardee Professor Hanry Yu
Award NUS Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award AY2012/2013
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award The Company of Biologists Travel Award in the 2013 NCRI Cancer Conference
Awardee Dr. Chen Zhixiong
Award Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) McElwain Award in the 2013 NCRI Cancer Conference
Awardee Dr. Chen Zhixiong
Congratulations to Dr. Chen for getting the award for his abstract "RNA Helicase A is essential for 1p36
gene KIF1Bb tumor suppression in neuroblastomas".
Award 2013 Singapore Neuroscience Association “Excellence in Neuroscience Award”
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award Faculty Research Excellence Award AY2011/2012 (Basic Scientist)
Awardee A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Award Best Graduate Research Publication for the YLLSoM Best Graduate Research Publication and Oral
Presentation Award-FY2012/2013
Awardee Narendra Bharathy
The title of the winning publication is "Lysine methyltransferase G9a methylates the transcription
factor MyoD and regulates skeletal muscle differentiation.
Award Chua Toh Hua Memorial Gold Medal AY 2011/2012
Awardee Huang Hua
Award First Prize at The 2nd Joint Symposium on Exercise and Sports Science 2012
Awardee Liu Jian Xian Glen
The 2nd Joint Symposium on Exercise and Sports Science 2012 was held at the NTU Alumni Club@One North
from 30 to 31 March 2012. The theme was "Application of Science & Technology in Sports &
Occupational Settings. On top of several keynote lectures and invited presentations from local and
overseas institutions, 20 student presentations were submitted of which 8 were selected for the oral
presentation competition (the rest were posters). Our final year life sciences student Liu Jian Xian
Glen presented his project titled "The efficacy of neck cooling on cognitive performance in the heat:
relationship between serum brain derived neurotrophic factor and memory". He confidently delivered the
oral presentation and did well in the Q&A thereafter. At the end of the symposium, the judges
deliberated and awarded Glen with the first prize of $600 plus a certificate, presented to him by CEO of
SSC Mr Lim Teck Yin.
Award Faculty Research Excellence Award AY2007/2008
Awardee Professor Hanry Yu
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Research Excellence Award, 2005/06
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award 2005 University Outstanding Researcher Award, NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award 2004 Faculty of Medicine Outstanding Researcher Award (Dean’s Citation), NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award Best Poster Award
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Caveolin-1 as a potential metastasis-suppressor in colorectal cancer (Abstract). 2005. Laban M, Sit ST,
Salto-Tellez M, Yang H, Shih W, Tsao MS, Peng T, Tang WZ and Hooi SC. (Paper presented at 1st
International Symposium on Cancer Metastasis and the Lymphovascular System: Basis for Rational Therapy,
28 – 30 April 2005, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, United States).
Award 2001-2002 Faculty of Medicine Outstanding Researcher Award, NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award Young Researcher Award 2002
Awardee Professor Hanry Yu
Award Silver Medal and Second place in the overall team competition at the 19th Inter-Medical School
Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) in Yogyakarta 2023
Awardee Collin and Joel, Dr Zakaria Almsherqi
Award 2023 Graduate Mentor of the Year Award (GRAMAY)
Awardee Prof Shazib Pervaiz
Award Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2023 Free Communications Merit Award
Awardee Wong Lik Wei
Award Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2023 Short Communications Merit Award
Awardee Amanda Wong
Award 2023 Mentoring Innovation and Leadership in Educational Scholarship (MILES) Award
Awardee Prof. Hooi Shing Chuan
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award (Individual) for 2023
Awardee A/Prof Celestial Yap
Dr. John Chua
Award 2022 geNiUSchannel Competition
Awardee A/Prof Celestial Yap
Award 2022 Faculty of Science Honour Roll Award
Awardee Dr Ivan Low
Award 2022 NUHS Education Collaboration Award
Awardee Dr Zakaria Ali Moh. Almsherqi
Award 2022 NUS Medicine Outstanding Mentor Award for Research Fellows
Awardee Dr Ira Agrawal
Award 2022 Graduate Mentor of The Year
Awardee Dr John Chua Jia En
Award 2021 Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Digital Education Award (Team)
Awardee Dr Ivan Low, Ong Yeong Bing, Chong Pey Rou, Joo Wei Bing and Charmaine Tan
Award 2021 Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award
Awardee Dr Ivan Low
Award 2021 NUHS Teaching Excellence Award
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award Faculty of Dentistry Teaching Excellence Award AY2019/2020
Awardee A/Prof Chen Zhi Xiong
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Graduate Mentor of the Year (GRAMAY) Award 2021
Awardee A/Prof Saji Kumar Sreedharan
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award (Individual) for AY 2019/2020
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Prof Saji Kumar Sreedharan
Award Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award AY 2019/2020
Awardee A/Prof Thai Tran
Dr. Ivan Low
Award QS 2020 world ranking
Awardee NUS Anatomy & Physiology are ranked 20th in the QS 2020 world ranking
Award NUSMed Fortitude Award
Awardee Prof Shazib Pervaiz
A/Prof Celestial Therese Yap Suen Mei
A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Dr Chen Zhi Xiong
Michelle Chan
Award Provost Young Educator Award
Awardee Dr Zakaria Ali Moh. Almsherqi
Award Outstanding Mentor Award for Research Fellows
Awardee Dr Wong Lik Wei
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award for AY2018/19
Awardee A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Award Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2018/2019
Awardee Dr Ivan Low
Award Faculty of Dentistry - Excellence in Teaching Award AY2018/2019
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Graduate Mentor of The Year (GRAMAY) Award 2019
Awardee Associate Professor Reshma Taneja and Professor Shen Han Ming
Award NUS Medicine Special Recognition Award for Academic Year 2017/2018
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Graduate Mentor of The Year (GRAMAY) Award 2018
Awardee Dr Thai Tran
Award Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2015/16
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award for AY2015/2016
Awardee Assoc Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award for AY2015/2016
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award 2016 NUHS Academic Medicine Development Award
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2014/2015
Awardee Dr Thai Tran
Award Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2013/2014
Awardee Dr Wong Boon Seng
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award 2014 NGS Teaching Commendation Award
Awardee A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Award 2013 NUHS-Moktar Riardy Pinnacle Award- Outstanding Mentor Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award 2013 Neuroscience Educator Award (from Singapore Neuroscience Association)
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2012/2013
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award 2013 NGS Teaching Commendation Award
Awardee A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Award 2013 Outstanding Mentor Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2010/11
Awardee A/P Celestial Yap
Award Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY2010/2011
Awardee A/P Celestial Yap
Award 2012 WHB-SMA Outstanding Mentor Award
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award 2012 Outstanding Educator Award
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2011 NUHS Academic Medicine Development Award (AMDA) Award
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award 2011 NUHS TRICE Values-in-Action Award for outstanding values (Education)
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2011 NUHS GEMS Award for service quality (Education)
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award NGS Teaching Commendation Award 2012
Awardee Professor Soong Tuck Wah
Award 2012 NUHS Academic Medicine Development Award
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2011 NUS High School Inspiring Mentor Award
Awardee Mr Mohammed Zacky Bin Ariffin
Award 2010 Friend of MedSoc Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, FTEA 2008/2009
Awardee A/Prof Celestial Yap
Award Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award, FTEA 2008/2009
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award MILES Award 6th APMEC 2009
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award, FTEA 2007/2008
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award Outstanding Mentor Award, Science Mentorship Programme, Ministry of Education, Singapore, 2007 and 2008
Awardee A/Prof M. Prakash HANDE
Award 2006 Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award, NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award 2004 University Teaching Excellence Award, NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award 2003/2004 Faculty of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award, NUS
Awardee Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2003/2004
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2003 Faculty of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award with citation
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award NUS Excellent Teachers Award 2002/2003
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Faculty of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award AY 2001/2002
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award 2000/2001
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award 2002 NUS Excellent Teachers Award
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2001 NUS Excellent Teachers Award
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 1999 Faculty of Medicine Teaching Excellence Award
Awardee Professor Hooi Shing Chuan
Award Tony A. Mobley International Distinguished Alumni Award
Awardee Dr Goh Jor Ming
Award National Day Awards 2021 Long Service Medal
Awardee Prof Shazib Pervaiz
Award National Day Awards 2020 Long Service Medal
Awardee A/Prof Sanjay Khanna
Award Special Recognition Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Long Service Award (30 years & above)
Awardee Miss Asha Reka Das
Award NUSMed OE Continuous Improvement Project (CIP) Awards 2019
Awardee Tan Boon Choo Diana
Award Long Service Award - University Medical Cluster
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award NUH Long Service Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award Long Service Award - University Medical Cluster
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award NUHS Appreciation Award
Awardee A/Prof Marius Sudol
Award Certificate of Participation - Office of Human Resources 2015 HR Learning Award
Awardee Department
Award National Day Awards 2013 Long Service Medal
Awardee Kamsitah Binte Boreng, Management Assistant Officer
Award 2015 NUHS-Mochtar Riady Pinnacle Excellence Award
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2014 NUS Quality Service Award
Awardee N. Rathnambal
Award 2013 NUS Quality Service Award
Awardee N. Rathnambal
Award 2013 NUS Quality Service Award
Awardee Ho Chiu Han
Award National Day Awards 2013 Long Service Medal
Awardee Chang Lai Seong Esther, Laboratory Manager
Awardee Heng Ye Yong, Laboratory Technologist
Awardee Chong Oi Khuan, Laboratory Technologist
Awardee Low Chwee Wah, Laboratory Technologist
Awardee Asha Reka Das, Management Assistant Officer
Awardee N Rathnambal, Operations Associate
Award 2013 National Day Honours – Long Service Medal by President of Singapore
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2012 NUS Quality Service Award
Awardee N. Rathnambal
Award National Day Awards 2012 Long Service Medal
Awardee Ho Chiu Han, Laboratory Technologist
Awardee Samuel Ong Bok Tah, Laboratory Technologist
Awardee Vasantha Y Nathan, Management Assistant Officer
Award 2012 NUS Long Service Award
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award 2012 Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award 2011 NUS Quality Service Award – Service Leader
Awardee Diana Tan Boon Choo
Award 2011 NUS Long Service Award
Awardee Prof Hooi Shing Chuan
Award National Day Awards 2010 Long Service Medal
Awardee Ong Chew Hoe, Operations Associate
Awardee Shoon Mei Yin, Laboratory Technologist
Award 2009 National Day Award Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
Awardee A/Prof Koh Dow Rhoon
Award 2023 Swee Liew-Wadsworth Grants
Awardee Intra-departmental Grants:

Soong Tuck Wah and Thai Tran
Karen Crasta and Goh Jor Ming
Shazib Pervaiz and Herbert Schwarz
Ling Shuo-Chien and Derrick Ong
Wong Lik Wei, Amanda Wong, Hooi Shing Chuan
Zakaria Ali Moh Almsherqi, Satish RL, Theo Kofidis

Concept Grants:

Amanda Wong
Cho Yik Lam (Ling SC Lab)
Chen Zhixiong
Emma Sanford (Ling SC Lab)
Kelvin Loh Wei Zhern (Soong TW Lab)
Saranya Jayapragas (S Sreedharan lab)

Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Publication Awards [1 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2022]
Awardee Platinum Research Award:

PV AshaRani, M Prakash Hande** and Suresh Valiyaveettil**
Anti-proliferative activity of silver nanoparticles
BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, 2009 Sep 17;10:65 ** Corresponding Authors

Gold Research Award:

Cui J, Sachaphibulkij K, Teo WS, Lim HM, Zou L, Ong CN, Alberts R, Chen J, Lim LHK

Annexin-A1 deficiency attenuates stressinduced tumor growth via fatty acid metabolism in mice: an Integrated multiple omics analysis on the stress- microbiomemetabolite-epigenetic-oncology (SMMEO) axis.
Theranostics, 2022 May 9; 12(8): 3794–3817

Singh AK, Neo SH, Liwang C, Pang KKL, Leng JCK, Sinha SH, Shetty MS, Vasudevan M, Rao VJ, Joshi I, Eswaramoorthy M, Pavon MV, Sheila AR, Navakkode S, Kundu TK, Sajikumar S.

Glucose derived carbon nanosphere (CSP) conjugated TTK21, an activator of the histone acetyltransferases CBP/p300, ameliorates myloid-beta 1-42 induced deficits in plasticity and associativity in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Aging Cell, 2022 Sep;21(9):e13675

Ang ST, TAN KT, Hernando A, Yu D, Dong H, Adamson S, Crombie EM, Withers DJ, Huang H, and Tsai SY.

Muscle 4EBP1 activation modifies the structure and function of the neuromuscular junction in mice.
Nature Communications, 2022 Dec 17;13(1):7792

Jeehyun Yoon, Oleg V. Grinchuk, Roberto Tirado Magallanes, Zhen Kai Ngian, Emmy Xue Yun Tay, You Heng Chuah, Bernice Woon Li Lee, Jia Feng, Karen Carmelina Crasta, Chin Tong Ong, Touati Benoukraf, Derrick Sek Tong Ong.

E2F and STAT3 provide transcriptional synergy for histone variant H2AZ activation to sustain glioblastoma chromatin accessibility and tumorigenicity
Cell Death & Differentiation, 2022 Jul;29(7):1379-1394

Zhai J, Navakkode S, Yeow SQZ, Krishna-K K, Liang MC, Koh JH, Wong RX, Yu WP, Sajikumar S, Huang H, Soong TW

Loss of CaV1.3 RNA editing enhances mouse hippocampal plasticity, learning, and memory
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2022 Aug 9;119(32):e2203883119

Hu Z*, Zhang B*, Lim LJY*, Loh, WZK, Yu D, Tan BWQ, Liang MC, Huang Z, Leo CH, Huang H and Soong TW.

S-Nitrosylation-Mediated Reduction of CaV1.2 Surface Expression and Open Probability Underlies Attenuated Vasoconstriction Induced by Nitric Oxide
Hypertension, 2022 Dec;79(12):2854-2866 * Contributed equally

Silver Research Award:

Chan Amanda, Wong Anna, Chong Yao Feng, Lai Poh San, Teoh Hock, Ng Alison, Hung Jennifer, Chan Yee-Cheun, Ng Kay, Vijayan Joy, Ong Jonathan, Chandra Bharatendu, Tan Chi Hsien, Rutt Nurul, Wilder-Smith Einar, Schwarz Herbert, Ismail Nur Hafiza, Tan Ti Myen, Choi Hyungwon, Sharma Vijay, Mak Anselm

Novel Autoantibodies in Idiopathic Small Fiber Neuropathy
Annals of Neurology, 2022 Jan;91(1):66-77

Foo SL, Sachaphibulkij K, Lee CLY, Yap GLR, Cui J, Arumugam T, Lim LHK

Breast cancer metastasis to brain results in recruitment and activation of microglia through annexin-A1/formyl peptide receptor signaling
Breast Cancer Research, 2022 Apr 5;24(1):25

Nachiyappan A, Soon JLJ, Lim HJ, Lee VK, Taneja R.

EHMT1 promotes tumor progression and maintains stemness by regulating ALDH1A1 expression in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
The Journal of Pathology, 2022 Mar;256(3):349-362

Chiu HY, Loh AHP, Taneja R.

Mitochondrial calcium uptake regulates tumour progression in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Cell Death Disease, 2022 Apr 30;13(4):419

Pavon MV, Navakkode S, Wong LW, Sajikumar S
Inhibition of Nogo-A rescues synaptic plasticity and associativity in APP/PS1 animal model of Alzheimer's disease.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 2023 Apr;139:111-120

Soo Fern Lee, Jayshree L. Hirpara, Jianhua Qu, Sanjiv K. Yadav, Karishma Sachaphibulkij, Shazib Pervaiz

Identification of a novel catalytic inhibitor of topoisomerase II alpha that engages distinct mechanisms in p53wt or p53-/- cells to trigger G2/M arrest and senescence
Cancer Letters, 2022 Feb 1;526:284-303


Award 2022 Swee Liew-Wadsworth Grants
Awardee Intra-departmental Grants:

Saji Kumar Sreedharan and Andrew Tan
Reshma Taneja and Derrick Ong
Herbert Schwarz and Lina Lim
Tsai Shih Yin and Huang Hua

Concept Grants:
Deepika Raman (S Pervaiz Lab)
Dong Han  (Tsai SY Lab)
Xia Runze (H Schwarz Lab)
Mohammad Zaki Bin Ibrahim (S Sreedharan Lab)
Sun Rui  (H Schwarz Lab)
Amogh Gupta  (R Taneja Lab)
Neelima Gupta (R Taneja Lab)
Chong Yee Song  (S Sreedharan Lab)
Liang Yajing (D Ong Lab)

Award Winners of Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Publication Awards [1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021]
Awardee GOLD Award
1. Yoon J*, Grinchuk OV*, Kannan S, Ang MJY, Li Z, Tay EXY, Lok KZ, Lee BWL, Chuah YH, Chia K, Tirado Magallanes R, Liu C, Zhao H, Hor JH, Lim JJ, Benoukraf T, Toh TB, Chow EK, Kovalik JP, Ching J, Ng SY, Koh MJ, Liu X, Verma CS, Ong DST.
A chemical biology approach reveals a dependency of glioblastoma on biotin distribution
Science Advances, 2021 Sep 3; 7(36):eabf6033.
*First Co-Authors
2. Wu X, Tay JK, Goh CK, Chan C, Lee YH, Springs SL, Wang Y, Loh KS, Lu TK, Yu H.
Digital CRISPR-based method for the rapid detection and absolute quantification of nucleic acids
Biomaterials, 2021 Jul; 274:120876.
3. Raman D, Tay P, Hirpara JL, Liu D, Pervaiz S.
TRAIL sensitivity of nasopharyngeal cancer cells involves redox dependent upregulation of TMTC2 and its interaction with membrane caspase-3
Redox Biology, 2021 Nov 20; 48:102193.
4. Yee YH, Chong SJF, Kong LR, Goh BC, Pervaiz S.
Sustained IKKβ phosphorylation and NF-κB activation by superoxide-induced peroxynitrite-mediated nitrotyrosine modification of B56γ3 and PP2A inactivation
Redox Biology, 2021 May; 41:101834.
5. Ho WY, Chang JC, Lim K, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Nguyen AT, Foo JC, Muralidharan S, Viera-Ortiz A, Ong SJM, Hor JH, Agrawal I, Hoon S, Arogundade OA, Rodriguez MJ, Lim SM, Kim SH, Ravits J, Ng SY, Wenk MR, Lee EB, Tucker-Kellogg G, Ling SC.
TDP-43 mediates SREBF2-regulated gene expression required for oligodendrocyte myelination
J Cell Biol, 2021 Sep 6; 220(9):e201910213.
6. Prasad M, Lin JL, Gu Y, Gupta R, Macary P, Schwarz H.
No crossreactivity of anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies with Syncytin-1
Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2021 Nov; 18(11):2566-2568.SILVER Award
1. Wong LW, Chong YS, Lin W, Kisiswa L, Sim E, Ibáñez CF, Sajikumar S.
Age-related changes in hippocampal-dependent synaptic plasticity and memory mediated by p75 neurotrophin receptor
Aging Cell, 2021 Feb; 20(2):e13305.
2. Navakkode S, Gaunt JR, Pavon MV, Bansal VA, Abraham RP, Chong YS, Ch'ng TH, Sajikumar S.
Sex-specific accelerated decay in time/activity-dependent plasticity and associative memory in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease
Aging Cell, 2021 Dec; 20(12):e13502.
3. Han JLT, Pang KKL, Ang SRX, Sharma M, Sajikumar S.
Inhibition of lysine methyltransferase G9a/GLP reinstates long-term synaptic plasticity and synaptic tagging/capture by facilitating protein synthesis in the hippocampal CA1 area of APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Transl Neurodegener. 2021 Jun 29; 10(1):23.
4. Ho WY, Agrawal I, Tyan SH, Sanford E, Chang WT, Lim K, Ong J, Tan BSY, Moe AAK, Yu R, Wong P, Tucker-Kellogg G, Koo E, Chuang KH, Ling SC.
Dysfunction in nonsense-mediated decay, protein homeostasis, mitochondrial function, and brain connectivity in ALS-FUS mice with cognitive deficits
Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2021 Jan 6; 9(1):9.
5. Lee KY, Wong HY, Zeng Q, Le Lin J, Cheng MS, Kuick CH, Chang KTE, Loh AHP, Schwarz H.
Ectopic CD137 expression by rhabdomyosarcoma provides selection advantages but allows immunotherapeutic targeting
OncoImmunology, 2021 Feb 4; 10(1):1877459.
6. Benoy A, Bin Ibrahim MZ, Behnisch T, Sajikumar S.
Metaplastic reinforcement of long-term potentiation in hippocampal area CA2 by cholinergic receptor activation
J Neurosci. 2021 Nov 3; 41(44):9082-9098.
Award 2021 Swee Liew-Wadsworth Grants
Awardee Intra-departmental Grants:
Zakaria Ali Moh Almsherqi [Education]
Karen Crasta & Mahmoud Pouladi
Karthik Mallilankaraman & Manoor Prakash Hande
Shazib Pervaiz & Derrick OngConcept Grants:
Hannelore Hartmann (Shuo-Chien Ling Lab)
Chua You Heng (Derrick Ong Lab)
Dipanwita Das (Reshma Taneja Lab)
Lily Anna Henry (Mahmoud Pouladi Lab)
Sim Wei Liang (Thai Tran Lab)
Alamelu Nachiyappan (Reshma Taneja Lab)
Wong Lik Wei (Sajikumar Sreedharan Lab)
Karishma Sachaphibulkij (Lina Lim Lab)
Basil Kuah Zheng Mian (Shuo-Chien Ling Lab)
Kagistia Hana Utami (Mahmoud Pouladi Lab)
Angeline Liew Qiu Xia (Shazib Pervaiz Lab)
Deng Shuo (Celestial Yap Lab)
Award Winners of Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Publication Awards [1 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2020]
Awardee GOLD Research Award
1.Chong SJF, Iskandar K, Lai JXH, Qu J, Raman D, Valentin R, Herbaux C, Collins M, Low ICC, Loh T, Davids M, Pervaiz S
Serine-70 phosphorylated Bcl-2 prevents oxidative stress-induced DNA damage by modulating the mitochondrial redox metabolism
Nucleic Acids Research, 2020 Dec 16;48(22):12727-12745
2.Peng AYT*, Agrawal I*, Ho WY*, Yen YC, Pinter AJ, Liu J, Phua QXC, Koh KB, Chang JC, Sanford E, Man JHK, Wong P, Gutmann DH, Tucker-Kellogg G, Ling SC
Loss of TDP-43 in astrocytes leads to motor deficits by triggering A1-like reactive phenotype and triglial dysfunction
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020 Nov 17; 117(46):29101-29112
*First Co-AuthorsSILVER Research Award
1. Raman D, Chong SJF, Iskandar K, Hirpara JL, Pervaiz S
Peroxynitrite promotes serine-62 phosphorylation-dependent stabilization of the oncoprotein c-Myc
Redox Biol, 2020 Jul; 34:101587
2. Hirpara JL, Subramaniam K, Bellot G, Qu J, Seah S, Loh T, Tucker-Kellogg L, Clement MV and Pervaiz S
Superoxide induced inhibition of death receptor signaling is mediated via induced expression of apoptosis inhibitory protein cFLIP
Redox Biol, 2020 Feb; 30:101403
3. Dasgupta A, Lim YJ, Kumar K, Baby N, Pang KLK, Benoy A, Behnisch T, Sajikumar S
Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors gate long-term potentiation and synaptic tagging/capture in rat hippocampal area CA2
eLife, 2020 Apr 20;9:e55344
4. Pal A, Leung JY, Ang GCK, Rao VK, Pignata L, Lim HJ, Hebrard M, Chang KT, Lee VK, Guccione E, Taneja R
EHMT2 epigenetically suppresses Wnt signaling and is a potential target in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
eLife, 2020 Nov 30;9:e57683
5. Baby N, Alagappan N, Dheen ST, Sajikumar S
MicroRNA‐134‐5p inhibition rescues long‐term plasticity and synaptic tagging/capture in an Aβ (1–42)‐induced model of Alzheimer’s disease
Aging Cell, 2020 Jan;19(1):e13046
6. Zeng Q, Soe YM, Lim Y, Sobota RM, Schwarz H
CD137 ligand interacts with CD32a to trigger reverse CD137 ligand signalling
Cell Mol Immunol, 2020 Nov;17(11):1188-1189
Award 2020 Swee Liew Wadsworth Intra-departmental Grants
Awardee Shih Yin Tsai and Huang Hua
Ling Shuo-Chien and Fu Yu
Soong Tuck Wah and Sajikumar Sreedharan
Award 2020 Swee Liew Wadsworth Concept Grants
Awardee Bryce Tan (Soong Tuck Wah lab)
Eu Jie Qing (Shazib Pervaiz lab)
Leung Jia Yu (Reshma Taneja lab)
Nimmi Baby (Sajikumar Sreedharan lab)
Hu Zhenyu (Soong Tuck Wah lab)
Maria Vazquez Pavon (Sajikumar Sreedharan lab)
Ira Agrawal (Ling Shuo-Chien lab)
Kelvin Loh (Soong Tuck Wah lab)
Gareth Ang (Reshma Taneja lab)
Amanda Wong (Thai Tran lab)
Award winners of the Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Publication Awards
Awardee Gold Research Award
1. Ho WY, Tai YK, Chang J-C, Liang J, Tyan S-H, Chen S, Guan J-L, Zhou H, Shen H-M, Koo E, Ling SC. The ALS/FTD-linked gene product, C9ORF72, regulates neuronal morphogenesis via autophagy. Autophagy 2019, 15(5): 827-842.
2. Lu G, Yi J, Gubas A, Wang YT, Wu Y, Ren Y, Wu M, Shi Y, Ouyang C, Tan HWS, Wang T, Wang L, Yang ND, Deng S, Xia D, Chen RH, Tooze SA, Shen HM. Suppression of autophagy during mitosis via CUL4-RING ubiquitin ligases-mediated WIPI2 polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Autophagy 2019 Nov;15(11): 1917-1934.
3. Cali CP, Patino M, Tai YK, Ho WY, McLean CA, Morris CM, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Gaig C, Vonsattel JPG, White CL 3rd, Roeber S, Kretzschmar H, Troncoso JC, Troakes C, Gearing M, Ghetti B, Van Deerlin VM, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Mok KY, Ling H, Dickson DW, Schellenberg GD, Ling SC, Lee EB. C9orf72 intermediate repeats are associated with corticobasal degeneration, increased C9orf72 expression and disruption of autophagy. Acta Neuropathologica 2019, Nov 138(5): 795-811.Silver Research Award
1. Bellot GL, Dong X, Lahiri A, Sebastin SJ, Batinic-Haberle I, Pervaiz S, Puhaindran ME. MnSOD is implicated in accelerated wound healing upon Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT): A case in point for MnSOD mimetics as adjuvants for wound management. Redox Biol. 2019 Jan; 20:307-320.
2. Bhat AV, Palanichamy Kala M, Rao VK, Pignata L, Lim HJ, Suriyamurthy S, Chang KT, Lee VK, Guccione E, Taneja R. Epigenetic Regulation of the PTEN-AKT-RAC1 Axis by G9a Is Critical for Tumor Growth in Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancer Research 2019 May 1; 79(9): 2232-2243.
3. Ling SC, Dastidar SG, Tokunaga S, Ho WY, Lim K, Ilieva H, Parone PA, Tyan SH, Tse TM, Chang JC, Platoshyn O, Bui NB, Bui A, Vetto A, Sun S, McAlonis-Downes M, Han JS, Swing D, Kapeli K, Yeo GW, Tessarollo L, Marsala M, Shaw CE, Tucker-Kellogg G, La Spada AR, Lagier-Tourenne C, Da Cruz S, Cleveland DW. Overriding FUS autoregulation in mice triggers gain-of-toxic dysfunctions in RNA metabolism and autophagy-lysosome axis. eLife 2019 Feb 12; 8.
4. Wong LW, Tann JY, Ibanez CF, Sajikumar S. The p75 Neurotrophin Receptor is an Essential Mediator of Impairments in Hippocampal-Dependent Associative Plasticity and Memory Induced by Sleep Deprivation. Journal of Neuroscience 2019 Jul 10;39(28): 5452-5465.
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Intra-departmental Grants 2019
Awardee 1. Thai Tran and Lina Lim
2. Shazib Pervaiz and Celestial Yap
3. Prakash Hande and Thiruma Arumugam
4. Ivan Low (education grant)
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2019
Awardee Wang Liming (Shen Han Ming lab)
Joanne Koh Huifen (Soong Tuck Wah lab)
Jolin Lai Xiao Hui (Shazib Pervaiz lab)
Feng Jia (Ling Shuo-Chien lab)
Sashigala D/O Ponnalagu (Herbert Schwarz lab)
Sharmalee Selvaraji (Lim Kah Leong & Thiruma Arumugam labs)
Elisa Crombie (Shih Yin Tsai lab)
Nandini Karthik (Reshma Taneja lab)
Emily Nickles (Herbert Schwarz lab)
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Wang J, Ho WY, Lim K, Feng J, Tucker-Kellogg G, Nave KA, Ling SC.
Cell-autonomous requirement of TDP-43, an ALS/FTD signature protein, for oligodendrocyte survival and myelination PNAS 2018 Nov 13;115(46):E10941-E10950.
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Zhang J, Wang J, Zhou Z, Park JE, Wang L, Wu S, Sun X, Lu L, Wang T, Lin Q, Sze SK, Huang D, Shen HM.
Importance of TFEB acetylation in control of its transcriptional activity and lysosomal function in response to histone deacetylase inhibitors. Autophagy 2018;14(6):1043-1059.
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Wang L, Cho YL, Tang Y, Wang J, Park JE, Wu Y, Wang C, Tong Y, Chawla R, Zhang J, Shi Y, Deng S, Lu G, Wu Y, Tan HW, Pawijit P, Lim GG, Chan HY, Zhang J, Fang L, Yu H, Liou YC, Karthik M, Bay BH, Lim KL, Sze SK, Yap CT, Shen HM.
PTEN-L is a novel protein phosphatase for ubiquitin dephosphorylation to inhibit PINK1-Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Cell Res 2018 Aug;28(8):787-802
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Hu Z, Li G, Wang JW, Chong SY, Yu D, Wang X, Soon JL, Liang MC, Wong, YP, Huang N, Colecraft HM, Liao P, Soong TW.
Regulation of Blood Pressure by Targeting CaV1.2-Galectin-1 Protein Interaction Circulation 2018 Oct 2;138(14):1431-1445
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Huang H, Kapeli K, Jin W, Wong YP, Arumugam TV, Koh JH, Srimasorn S, Mallilankaraman K, Chua JJE, Yeo GW, Soong TW.
Tissue-selective restriction of RNA editing of CaV1.3 by splicing factor SRSF9. Nucleic Acids Res 2018 Aug 21;46(14):7323-7338.
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Gold Research Award
Awardee Qiao YK, Yan Y, Tan KS, Tann SSL, Seet JE, Arumugam TV, Chow VT, Wang DY and Tran T.
CD151, a novel host factor of nuclear export signalling, influences innate immunity in influenza virus infection. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2018 May; 141(5): 1799-1871
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Publciation Awards 2019: Silver Research Award
Awardee Hirpara J, Eu JQ, Tan JKM, Wong AL, Clement MV, Kong LR, Ohi N, Tsunoda T, Qu J, Goh BC, Pervaiz S.
Metabolic reprogramming of oncogene-addicted cancer cells to OXPHOS as a mechanism of drug resistance. Redox Biol 2018 Dec 17:101076.
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Intra-departmental Grants 2018
Awardee Dr John Chua and A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Intra-departmental Grants 2018
Awardee Dr Tsai Shih Yin and Dr Ivan Low
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Zhou Yubin
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Upasana Bajaj
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Bhushan Dharmadhikari
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Chang Jer-Cherng
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Chiu Hsin Yao
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Nimmi Baby
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Saravanan S/O Gunaseelan
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2018
Awardee Sean Yeow Qing Zhang
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Intra-departmental Grants 2017
Awardee Dr. Ling Shuo-Chien & Prof. Shen Han-Ming
Awardee A/Prof. Lina Lim & Prof. Gene Yeo
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2017
Awardee Foo Sok Lin
Awardee Zeng Qun
Awardee Li Yating
Awardee Wang Jigang
Awardee Akshay Bhat
Awardee Wong Lik Wei
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Intra-departmental Grants 2016
Awardee Dr Sajikumar Sreedharan and A/Prof Reshma Taneja
Awardee Dr Karthik Babu Mallilankaraman and A/Prof Thiruma Aurumugam
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Concept Grants 2016
Awardee Dr Zakaria Ali Moh. Almsherqi – Education
Awardee Sang-Ha Baik
Awardee Wang Jia
Awardee Wu Meihui
Awardee Md Zacky Ariffin
Awardee Ananya Pal
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Gold Awards 2015
Awardee Huang Hua
Article published in Nature Communications
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Gold Awards 2015
Awardee Zhang Jianbin
Article published in Autophagy
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Sliver Awards 2015
Awardee Fhu Chee Wai
Article published in Blood
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Sliver Awards 2015
Awardee Ivan Low
Article published in Blood
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Intra-department Grant 2015
Awardee Dr. Ling Shuo Chien and A/P Shen Han Ming
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Intra-department Grant 2015
Awardee Dr. Thai Tran and Professor Shazib Pervaiz
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Concept Grant 2015
Awardee Deepika Raman
Awardee Sheryl Tan
Awardee Vinay Kumar Rao
Awardee Lin Qingshu
Awardee Choi Min Hee
Awardee Sheeja Navakkode
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Gold Award 2014
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Awardee Dr Liao Ping
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Sliver Award 2014
Awardee Ho Weng Tong
Awardee Song Li
Awardee Pang Wan Lu
Awardee Harfuddin Zulkarnain
Awardee Moh Mei Chung
Awardee Tan Shihao
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Intra-department Grant 2014
Awardee A/P Thiruma Arumugam and Herbert Schwarz
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Concept Grant (Education) 2014
Awardee Dr Chen Zhixiong
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Concept Grant (Research) 2014
Awardee Hu Zhenyu
Awardee Yang Naidi
Awardee Shriram Venkatesan
Awardee David She Tai Wai
Awardee Krishna Muthukumarappan
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Sliver Award 2013
Awardee Hannah Swa
Impact Factor 7.4
Swa HL, Blackstock WP, Lim LH, Gunaratne J. Quantitative proteomics profiling of murine mammary gland cells unravels impact of annexin-1 on DNA damage response, cell adhesion, and migration. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012 Aug;11(8):381-93
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Gold Award 2013
Awardee Zhou Jing
Impact Factor 10.526
Activation of lysosomal function in the course of autophagy via mTORC1 suppression and autophagosome-lysosome fusion. Zhou J, Tan SH, Nicolas V, Bauvy C, Yang ND, Zhang J, Xue Y, Codogno P, Shen HM. Cell Res. 2013 Apr;23(4):508-23. doi: 10.1038/cr.2013.11. Epub 2013 Jan 22. PMID: 23337583
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Grant 2013
Grant Concept Grants ($10,000 each)
Awardee Saji Kumar and Lina Lim
Project Holding the synapses for memory: Investigation of annexins-CaMKII interaction in synaptic plasticity
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Grant 2013
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Zulkarnain Harfuddin
Project The generation and targeted antigen-loading of CD 137 ligand dendritic cells for immunotherapy
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Grant 2013
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Huang Hua
Project ENCODE-ing the transcriptional regulation of Rbfox1 and implication in cardiac hypertrophy
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Grant 2013
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Yuan Yi
Project An investigation into the RNA-binding properties of annexin-1 in the regulation of microRNA expression
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Grant 2013
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Zhang Jianbin
Project Development of a novel method for the quantification of protein degradation
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Gold Awards 2012
Single recipient award Wang Jue Jin
Joint recipient (Group) award 1. Belinda Mei Tze Ling & Narendra Bharathy
2. Velaithan Rathiga & Kang Jia
3. Huang Hua & Tan Bao Zhen
Project Investigating the Role of Cellular Prion Protein in Breast Cancer Cell Metabolism
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Grants 2012
Grant Interdepartmental grants ($5,000)
Awardee Dr Wong Boon Seng
Project Investigating the Role of Cellular Prion Protein in Breast Cancer Cell Metabolism
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Grants 2012
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Chan Hui Hua, Elizabeth Sarah
Project Human Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) isoforms modulate cognition by acting as an adaptor of the insulin signaling pathway- a novel role of ApoE?
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Grants 2012
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Dr Lu Guodong
Project A pilot study of the sensitization effect of drugs specific for lipid metabolism on glucose starvation (fasting) induced HCC cell death
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Grants 2012
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Shi Yin
Project Regulation of autophagy by lipid rafts
Award Swee Liew Wadsworth Research Grants 2012
Grant Concept Grants ($5,000 each)
Awardee Suruchi Arora
Project Role of Annexin A1 in influenza A Infection
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Awards 2012
Awardee Huang Hua and Tan Bao Zhen (joint)
Supervisor Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Impact Factor 14.927
Huang H, Tan BZ, Shen Y, Tao J, Jiang F, Sung YY, Ng CK, Raida M, Köhr G, Higuchi M, Fatemi-Shariatpanahi H, Harden B, Yue DT, Soong TW. RNA editing of the IQ domain in Ca(v)1.3 channels modulates their Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Neuron. 2012 Jan 26;73(2):304-16. Joint first authors.
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Awards 2012
Awardee Wang Juejin
Supervisor Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Impact Factor 10.190
Wang J, Thio SS, Yang SS, Yu D, Yu CY, Wong YP, Liao P, Li S, Soong TW. Splice variant specific modulation of CaV1.2 calcium channel by galectin-1 regulates arterial constriction. Circ Res. 2011 Nov 11;109(11):1250-8.
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Awards 2012
Awardee Belinda Mei Tze Lin and Narendra Bharathy (joint)
Supervisor Prof Reshma Taneja
Impact Factor 10.591
Belinda Mei Tze Ling, Narendra Bharathy, Teng-Kai Chung, Wai Kay Kok, Side Li, Yong Hua Tan, Vinay Kumar Rao, Suma Gopinadhan, Vittorio Sartorelli, Martin J Walsh, and Reshma Taneja Lysine methyltransferase G9a methylates the transcription factor MyoD and regulates skeletal muscle differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA.) 2012 Jan; 109:841-846. The first two authors have equally contributed to this paper.
Award Swee Liew-Wadsworth Research Awards 2012
Awardee Rathiga Velaithan and Kang Jia (joint)
Supervisor Prof Shazib Pervaiz
Impact Factor 10.075
Velaithan R, Kang J, Hirpara JL, Loh T, Goh BC, Le Bras M, Brenner C, Clement MV, Pervaiz S. The small GTPase Rac1 is a novel binding partner of Bcl-2 and stabilizes its antiapoptotic activity Blood. 2011 Jun 9;117(23):6214-26. The first two authors have equally contributed to this paper.
Award NUS Safety and Health Award (NUSSHA) Commendation Award 2023
Awardee Department of Physiology
Award Commendation Award for Health and Safety Performance at NUSSHA 2020
Awardee Department of Physiology
Award Platinum Award for the Fire Safety Excellence Award 2019
Awardee MD9
Award Best Oral Presentation Award at 6th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory (ACSEL), Bali
Awardee Uma Thambiayah
Award Best Poster Award at 5th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory
Awardee Vaisnavi D/O Chandrasekaran and team members (Cheng Man Si, Koh Shu Wen & Lee Xinyi Angeline)
Award Platinum Award for the Fire Safety Excellence Award 2018
Awardee Department of Physiology
Award NUSMed Safety Day 2018 Best Booth
Congratulations to Physiology Safety Team for winning NUSMed Safety Day 2018 Best Booth Award.
Award ASPHA 2014/15
Commendation Award for NUS Annual Safety & Health Performance Award 2014/2015
Award STAR 2013
A consolation prize ($300) plus certificate was awarded to Team we-Physiology, consisting of Tamilarasi
Jegadeesan, and Zakaria Ali Moh. Almsherqi for their project titled “Auto sealer for biohazard bags”.
Award Safety & Health Improvement Programme 2011/2012
Consolation with a cash prize of $300/team plus certificatefor Team Golden Physiology, consisting of
Tamilarasi Jegadeesan, Zaheedah Binte Yahya, and Koh Kang Sheing Phoebe.
Award NUS Building Fire Safety Compliance Award 2011
Platinum Award
Award NUS Building Fire Safety Compliance Award 2010
Gold Award
Award Annual Safety Performance Award 2010
Merit Award with Commendation for Safety Performance Achieved in 2009
Award Safety & Health Improvement Programme 2009
Certificate of Participation for Team Physio Glass
Consolation for Team Physio Air
Award Annual Safety Performance Award 2009
Silver Award for Safety Performance Achieved in 2008
Award Safety & Health Improvement Programme 2008
Certificate of Improvement for Team Physio Autoclave
Award Annual Safety Performance Award 2007
Gold Award for ‘Excellent’ Safety Performance Achieved in 2006
Award Safety innovation Team Programme (SITP) 2006
Silver Award for Team Visual
Bronze Award for Team Physio Noise Buster
Outstanding Achievement (Noise Control)
Outstanding Achievement (Noise Control)
Award Occupational Safety & Health Best Practices Award 2006 (MOM-WSHAC)
Outstanding Achievement (Noise Control)
Award Annual Safety Performance Award 2005
Certificate of Merit for ‘Good’ Safety Performance Achieved in 2004