Physiology Graduate
Student Society

Physiology Graduate Student Society

The Physiology Graduate Students' Society (PGSS) has a rich history of contributing to the vibrant academic and social environment of our department. Established to support and enhance the graduate student experience, PGSS is dedicated to organizing activities that foster networking, bonding, and support among graduate students. Through various initiatives, the society creates opportunities for students to connect with one another, build relationships, and form a strong support system. By encouraging networking and bonding, PGSS aims to enhance the overall graduate student experience and provide a platform for personal and professional growth.

One of the flagship events helmed by PGSS is the Physiology Pitch Perfect day. This annual event challenges final-year graduates to pitch their research projects to members of the department in just three minutes, fostering a spirit of concise and impactful scientific communication. In addition to this, PGSS recognizes the unique demands of PhD studies and strives to create a supportive environment where students can find encouragement, advice, and mentorship from their peers. Through these efforts, PGSS continues to play a pivotal role in the academic and personal development of our graduate students.