Yap Suen Mei, Celestial Therese

Yap Suen Mei, Celestial Therese

MBBS (Singapore), PhD (Edinburgh)

Associate Professor

+65-6516 3294 (office);
+65-6516 8513 (lab)

+65-6778 8161


Cytoskeleton and Tumour Biology Laboratory


  • Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, National University of Singapore
  • NUS Centre for Cancer Research Translational Research Programme

Research Areas of Interest:

  • Cancer progression, with a focus on mechanisms of tumour cell dissemination and survival
  • Signaling pathways in cancer and inflammatory diseases
  • Education-related research: special interests in medical education & graduate research training

Selected Publications

  1. S. Deng, H. C. Leong, A. Datta, V. Gopal, A. P. Kumar and C. T. Yap (2022). PI3K/AKT Signaling Tips the Balance of Cytoskeletal Forces for Cancer Progression. Cancers 2022, 14(7), 1652. doi: 10.3390/cancers14071652.
  2. S. S. Lee, I.R. Indran, C.T. Yap, D.D. Samarasekera, S.J.Y. Wong, Z.X., Chen (2021). Enhancing the use of peer review and student feedback to evaluate educators in early years of health professions education – insights from a medical school. Singapore Medical Journal, in press.
  3. J. B. Y. So, R. Kapoor, F. Zhu, C. Koh, L. Zhou, R. Zou, Y. C. Tang, P. C. K. Goo, S. Y. Rha, H. C. Chung, J. Yoong, C. T. Yap, J. Rao, C. K. Chia, S. Tsao, A. Shabbir, J. Lee, K. P. Lam, M. Hartman, W. P. Yong, H. P. Too, and K. G. Yeoh (2021). Development and validation of a serum microRNA biomarker panel for detecting gastric cancer in a high-risk population. Gut. 2021 May; 70(5): 829–837. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-322065. PMID: 33028667
  4. M. S. Ong, S. Deng, C. E. Halim, W. Cai, T. Z. Tan, R. U. J. Huang, G. Sethi, S. C. Hooi, A. P. Kumar, C. T. Yap (2020). Cytoskeletal proteins in cancer and intracellular stress: a therapeutic perspective. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jan 18;12(1):238. doi: 10.3390/cancers12010238. PMID: 31963677
  5. S. Tavakol, M. Ashrafizadeh, S. Deng, M. Azarian, A. Abdoli, M. Motavaf, D. D. Poormoghadam, H. Khanbabaei, E. G. Afshar, A. Mandegary, A. Pardakhty, C. T. Yap, R. Mohammadinejad, A. P. Kumar (2019). Autophagy modulators: mechanistic aspects and drug delivery systems. Biomolecules. 2019 Sep 25;9(10):530.
    doi: 10.3390/biom9100530. PMID: 31557936
  6. S. Deng, M. K. Shanmugam, A. P. Kumar, C. T. Yap, G. Sethi, A. Bishayee (2019). Targeting autophagy using natural compounds for cancer prevention and therapy. Cancer. 2019 Apr 15;125(8):1228-1246. doi: 10.1002/cncr.31978. PMID: 30748003
  7. L. Wang, Y. L. Cho, Y. Tang, J. Wang, J. E. Park, Y. Wu, C. Wang, Y. Tong, R. Chawla, J. Zhang, Y. Shi, S. Deng, G. Lu, Y. Wu, H. W. S. Tan, P. Pawijit, G. G. Y. Lim, H. Y. Chan, J. Zhang, L. Fang, H. Yu, Y. C. Liou, M. Karthik, B. H. Bay, K. L. Lim, S. K. Sze, C. T. Yap, H. M. Shen (2018). PTEN-L is a novel protein phosphatase for ubiquitin dephosphorylation to inhibit PINK1-Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Cell Res. 2018 Aug;28(8):787-802. doi: 10.1038/s41422-018-0056-0. PMID: 29934616


  • 2023 National Day Award 2023 Long Service Medal
  • 2023 GeNiUS channel competition 2nd prize winner 2023
  • 2023 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA), 2023
  • 2010/2011 2012 Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA)
  • 2010/2011 2012 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA)
  • 2010 National University Health System (NUHS) Pitch for Funds Award
  • 2010 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA)
  • 2008/2009 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (FTEA) (NUS Outstanding Educator Award nominee)
  • 2007 Translational Clinical Research (TCR) Gastric Cancer Program Grant (Co-Investigator)
  • 2006 UK-Singapore Partners in Science Collaboration Award
  • 1999-2002 NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship
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