Swapna Teckwani

Swapna Teckwani


Teaching Assistant



Teaching Assistant, Department of Physiology, National University of Singapore

Research Areas of Interest:

  • Experiential learning, Interdisciplinary learning and Transdisciplinary learning
  • Generative AI in teaching and learning strategies
  • Soft skills development and assessment (qualitative research)
  • Mental wellness and resilience for student wellbeing

Selected Publications

  1. [Manuscript under review] Teckwani SH, Wong AH, Luke N, Low ICC (2024). Accuracy and Reliability of Large Language Models in Assessing Learning Outcomes Achievement Across Cognitive Domains. Advances in Physiology Education.


  • 2024 Swee Liew-Wadsworth Concept Grant, Intra-Departmental Grant
  • 2023 Teaching Education Grant
  • 2022 MOE Caring Teacher Award
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