Ira Agrawal

Ira Agrawal




  • Instructor, Department of Physiology, National University of Singapore

Research Areas of Interest

  • Experiential learning, Inquiry-based learning, Interdisciplinary learning
  • Mental health education for improved student wellbeing
  • Computational Biology
  • Application of integrative multi-omics analysis to neurodegenerative diseases


  • HS2924 Building Mental Wellbeing and Resilience
  • LSM2241/ZB2101 Introductory Bioinformatics
  • CDM5104 Computational Genomics
  • YSC3266 Computation & Data Analysis for Biologists using R
  • LSM3215 Neuronal Signaling and Memory Mechanisms
  • LSM3219 Neuropharmacology
  • LSM3241 Genomic Data Analysis

Selected Publications

  1. Ira Agrawal, Lim Yong Shan, Shi-Yan Ng, and Shuo-Chien Ling. 2022. ‘Deciphering Lipid Dysregulation in ALS: From Mechanisms to Translational Medicine’. Transl Neurodegener 11 (1): 48.
  2. Kae-Jiun Chang, Ira Agrawal, et al. 2021. ‘TDP-43 maximizes nerve conduction velocity by repressing a cryptic exon for paranodal junction assembly in Schwann cells’. ELife
  3. Wan Yun Ho, Jer-Cherng Chang, Kenneth Lim, et al. ‘TDP-43 Mediates SREBF2-Regulated Gene Expression Required for Oligodendrocyte Myelination’. Journal of Cell Biology 220 (9).
  4. Wan Yun Ho, Ira Agrawal, et al. ‘Dysfunction in Nonsense-Mediated Decay, Protein Homeostasis, Mitochondrial Function, and Brain Connectivity in ALS-FUS Mice with Cognitive Deficits’. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 9 (1): 9.
  5. Audrey YT Peng*, Ira Agrawal*, Wan Yun Ho*, et al. ‘Loss of TDP-43 in astrocytes leads to motor deficits by triggering A1-like phenotype & triglial dysfunction’. PNAS 117 (46): 29101–12. IF: 11.2
  6. Li Yan, Ira Agrawal, and Zhiyuan Gong. 2019. ‘Reversion of Tumor Hepatocytes to Normal Hepatocytes during Liver Tumor Regression in an Oncogene Transgenic Zebrafish Model’. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 12(10).
  7. Huo Xiaojing, Hankun Li, Zhen Li, Chuan Yan, Ira Agrawal, Sinnakaruppan Mathavan, Jianjun Liu, and Zhiyuan Gong. 2019. ‘Transcriptomic Profiles of Tumor-Associated Neutrophils Reveal Prominent Roles in Enhancing Angiogenesis in Liver Tumorigenesis in Zebrafish’. Scientific Reports 9 (1): 1–11.
  8. Huang Xiaoqian, Ira Agrawal, Zhen Li, Weiling Zheng, Qingsong Lin, and Zhiyuan Gong. 2016. ‘Transcriptomic Analyses in Zebrafish Cancer Models for Global Gene Expression and Pathway Discovery’. In Cancer and Zebrafish: Mechanisms, Techniques, and Models, edited by David M. Langenau, 147–68. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  9. Liu Chunsheng, Guanyong Su, John P. Giesy, Robert J. Letcher, Guangyu Li, Ira Agrawal, Jing Li, Liqin Yu, Jianghua Wang, and Zhiyuan Gong. 2016. ‘Acute Exposure to Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-Propyl) Phosphate (TDCIPP) Causes Hepatic Inflammation and Leads to Hepatotoxicity in Zebrafish’. Scientific Reports 6: 19045.
  10. Xu H, Caixia Li, Qinghua Zeng, Ira Agrawal, X. Zhu, and Zhiyuan Gong. 2016. ‘Genome-Wide Identification of Suitable Zebrafish Danio Rerio Reference Genes for Normalization of Gene Expression Data by RT-QPCR’. Journal of Fish Biology 88 (6): 2095–2110.


  • 2024 Swee-Liew Wadsworth Research Grant Award – Intradepartmental, Singapore.
  • 2023 NUS Achievement Award – Staff Advisor Recognition, Singapore.
  • 2022 NUS Medicine Outstanding Mentor Award, Singapore.
  • 2022 NUS Medicine Outstanding Research Fellow Award – 2nd runner up, Singapore.
  • 2021 Swee-Liew Wadsworth Research Publication Award – Gold, Singapore.
  • 2020 Swee-Liew Wadsworth Research Award - Concept Grant, Singapore.
  • 2019 Ministry of Education - NUS Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Singapore.
  • 2016 Student Achievement Award, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • 2013 NUS Research Scholarship, Singapore
  • 2012 University Medal, University of Hyderabad, India.
  • 2011 CSIR-Junior Research Fellowship (Rank 34, Top 0.01 percentile), India.
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