WIPS 05 Apr 2021

WIPS 05 Apr 2021
Speaker Affiliation
NUS Physiology
Date & Time
5 Apr 2021, Monday
1:00 pm 5:30 pmVenue
via zoom
Presenter : Ms Amanda Chee Yun Chan
Under the Supervision of Assoc Prof Schwarz, Herbert Co‐supervised by Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Title: "Small Fiber Neuropathy: Classification and Search for Etiology"
Presenter : Mr Chuah You Heng
Under the Supervision of Dr Ong Sek Tong, Derrick Co‐supervised by Prof Reshma Taneja
Title: "To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of HDAC7 in regulating glioblastoma stem cell's tumorigeneticity, proliferation and invasiveness"
2.00 pm
Presenter : Ms Hannah Lau Si Hui
Under the Supervision of Prof Pervaiz, Shazib
Co‐Supervised by Prof KanagaSabapathy& Dr Anita Grigoriadis
Title: "Intratumour heterogeneity and its impact on the tumour microenvironment"
2.30 pm
Presenter : Mr Wang Yongtai Raymond
Under the Supervision of Assoc Prof Jason Lee Kai Wei
Co‐supervised by Prof Dean Ho & Dr Ivan Low Cherh Chiet
Title: "Effects of different cardiorespiratory program on endurance performance"
3.00 pm
15 minutes break (3pm –3.15pm)
Presenter : Mr Xuanming Lou
Under the Supervision of Prof Yu, Hanry
Title: "Muscle fiber separation in meat appearance and texture mouthfeel"
Presenter : Ms Liang Yajing
Under the Supervision of Dr Ong Sek Tong, Derrick
Co‐supervised by Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Title: "Elucidate the mechanisms that drive neural stem cell dysfunction in a telomerase deficient mouse model"
Presenter : Mr Kuah Zheng Mian Basil
Under the Supervision of Dr Ling Shuo‐Chien
Co‐supervised by Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Title: "Unconvering TDP-43 cell-type specific activity"
Presenter : Mr Shan Zhe
Under the Supervision of Dr John Chua Jia En
Co‐supervised by Prof Soong Tuck Wah
Title: "Elucidating the role of FEZ1 in neural circuit formation"