Issue 38 / May 2021


APMEC Goes Viral

APMEC Goes Viral

The 18th edition of the Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) was held online from 22 to 24 January 2021, in consideration of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and suspension of global travel.


racing the occasion was Guest-of-Honour, NUS President, Professor Tan Eng Chye. Over a three-day period, close to 1,300 medical and healthcare professionals from 36 countries attended the conference, which is organised annually by the Centre for Medical Education.

The theme of APMEC 2021 was “Continuing Medical Education: Building Resilience in Challenging Times—Trends • Issues • Priorities • Strategies (TIPS)”. A total of 116 speakers explored and shared on how best to develop a holistic healthcare practitioner who is able to effectively and efficiently manage future practice challenges during challenging times.

Icon - Infograph - Medical and Healthcare Professionals


medical and healthcare
professionals from


countries attended
APMEC 2021

The programme of talks, workshops, panel discussions and symposia over the course of three days also incorporated several social activities, including Latin dance, yoga and mindfulness sessions. Participants also had the chance to visit virtual trade exhibition booths as well as interact with other participants in a virtual networking room.

Various professors

Professor of Medical Education (Emeritus), University of Dundee, Professor Ronald Harden giving a plenary during APMEC 2021, moderated by Associate Professor Lau Tang Ching, Vice-Dean (Education) of NUS Medicine

In addition, 79 Free Communication and 68 Short Communication presenters shared their scholarly works at oral presentation sessions. Dr Pin-Hsiang Huang (Taiwan) and Ms Qianhui Cheng (Singapore) emerged as the Winner and Runner-up respectively, in the Young Scholar category. Dr Sabrina Lau (Singapore) and Dr Karen Szauter (US) were the Winner and Runner-up respectively, for their presentations under the Free Communications category.

APMEC 2021 concluded with an awards presentation followed by a short trailer on APMEC 2022, which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, together with the University of Malaya and International Medical University.