Dear Reader,

As we usher in the Year of the Earth Pig, I would like to sincerely thank three groups of people chiefly responsible for the success of the NUS medical school – our alumni, our staff, and our students. In our quest to inspire health for everyone, the support and encouragement of our alumni is invaluable. Their generous contributions enable the School to enhance its mission of educating tomorrow’s healthcare professionals and to finding better ways of tackling disease.

Take Dr Oon Chiew Seng, for example. The centenarian’s abiding interest and compassion for the aged has seen her undertake a number of roles and responsibilities dedicated to advancing the cause of dementia patients. It has also spurred her to actively fund research into ageing-related illnesses here at NUS Medicine.

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Issue 29


Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2019

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Issue 29


Public Health Service – Towards a Healthier Nation, One Community at a Time

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Issue 29

Science of Life

The Data Whisperer

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Issue 29


A New Approach to Identifying HFMD

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Issue 29

In Vivo

A Dose of Japanese Medicine

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Issue 29


A Passage to India

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Issue 29

Ethically Speaking

Genetic World in Uproar over Chinese Scientist’s Move

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Issue 29


A Good Death – What’s Your Game Plan?

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Issue 29


Paradigm Shifts in Medical Education

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Issue 29

The Nurse Next Door

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Issue 29

Collaborative Research for the Betterment of Human Health

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All in the Family

Primary Care Research: Now More Than Ever

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Issue 29
Issue 29

Alumni Voices

Every Man’s Best Friend

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People of NUS Medicine

Bird Man of Kent Ridge

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Issue 29
Issue 29

With a Little Help

Help of the Helpless

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February 2019 – April 2019

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Date Event & Venue
Feb 19-22 Workshop: Grant Writing
NUHS Tower Block

Feb 26-27 Workshop: Fundamentals of Simulation-Based Healthcare Education
Level 3, Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Centre for Translational Medicine (MD 6), NUS

Mar 6

Workshop: SCRI Grant Writing
Clinical Research Centre (MD 11), NUS

Mar 21-22

Cochin Institute-NUS MSC Cancer Programme Joint Symposium
Cochin Institute, Paris, France

Mar 27-29 14th NUS-Nagasaki-LSHTM Symposium on Infectious Disease
Centre for Translational Medicine (MD 6), NUS 

Apr 30 Workshop: Debriefing in Simulation-based Healthcare Education
Level 3, Centre for Healthcare Simulation, Centre for Translational Medicine (MD 6), NUS