Dean’s Message

Another academic year has just begun and we bid a warm welcome to the 297 Medicine Class of 2023 students, as well as 282 of their fellows in the Nursing Class of 2021. They are embarking on educational journeys that are stimulating and challenging and it is our hope that they will follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before them, to become caring, competent healthcare professionals who hold their patients’ interests and welfare foremost.

As one class commences its journey, another’s comes to an end: we extend our heartiest congratulations to the graduating Class of 2018 medical and nursing students and wish them every success in the next stage of their careers. Singapore needs good, caring doctors to look after our steadily ageing population. The Class of 2018 joins a long and distinguished line of NUS medicine graduates that go back to 1905, when our medical school was established. Today, our alumni has grown to include Nursing graduates.

Our past shapes the present and also influences the future. Thanks to the efforts of our alumni and staff, NUS Medicine assumes a leading role in the education and training of doctors and nurses. The School also collaborates with other institutions in the search for better ways to improve health and care for our population. This awareness of our 

School’s continuing legacy helped guide discussions and deliberations that took place involving staff, students and alumni this past year, about what the NUS medical school stands for and how it can continue to contribute meaningfully to Singaporeans’ health and wellbeing. I am therefore very glad to tell you that we have arrived at what we believe are clear and definitive statements about what NUS Medicine represents and aspires to achieve.

Our Vision, Mission and Values are expressed in the hard work of our alumni, staff and students. They also speak to the future generations of students, who will build on the legacy that has earned the School a special place in Singapore Medicine.

While the focus of our work is constant, the environment in which we operate is dynamic and ever-changing. This presents the School with new opportunities as well as fresh challenges that will now be met with conviction and a clear sense of purpose, grounded upon the values that drive and motivate us.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Khay Guan