Professor Lynette SHEK

Professor in Paediatrics
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics

Professor Lynette Shek is a Professor in the Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. She is also a Senior Consultant in the Division of Paediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology at the National University Hospital (NUH). She completed specialist training in paediatrics and allergy in the National University of Singapore, and then went for further training in New York under the guidance of globally distinguished experts. In her clinical practice, she covers various areas of general paediatrics with a specific focus on allergy, immunodeficiency, and rheumatology. Prof. Shek is a Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, actively engaging in research within the National University of Singapore. Her work in allergy and immunology has been published in numerous medical journals. She also serves as Vice-Dean (Administration) at NUS Medicine.

At the Centre for Sustainable Medicine, Professor Shek leads a team dedicated to investigating the effects of microplastic and air pollution on human health. She also sits on the Centre’s Advisory Board.

Her notable achievements include receiving the NUH Young Doctor’s Award in 1999 for her research on asthma and atopy genetics in local Chinese children, and she was the youngest recipient of the National Medical Research Council-Biomedical Research Council (NMRC-BMRC) Clinician Scientist Investigator Award in 2005. In 2011, she received the Clinician Scientist (Investigator) Award for contributions to early childhood rhinitis at the NMRC Awards Ceremony.


Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Dr Amanda ZAIN
Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
Head of Health System Carbon Analytics
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
CHIAM Ningrong
Outreach & Engagement Lead
Head of Implementation
Head of Implementation
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
KAN Rong Hui
Head of Operations
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
LEE Hui Shuang
Senior Executive
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Dr Chris LIM
Clinical Adjunct
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Lydia LOH
Research Associate
Carbon Analytics
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Dr Evelyn LOO
Assistant Professor
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
Lydia LOO
Education Specialist
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
E-Sean LUM
Partnership and Marketing Lead
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Alston NG
Research Assistant
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Dr POH Pei Kee
Clinical Adjunct
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Associate Professor Chantelle RIZAN
Associate Professor
Focus Area: Net Zero Clinical Transformation
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Professor Lynette SHEK
Professor in Paediatrics
Focus Area: Air Pollution & Microplastics
Inez YEO
Research Assistant
Inez YEO
Research Assistant

Advisory Board

Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor CHONG Yap Seng
Dean, NUS Medicine
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Professor KOH Lian Pin
Chief Sustainability Scientist, NUS
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Associate Professor Eugene LIU
Head of Sustainability Office, National University Health System
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Nick WATTS
Director, Centre for Sustainable Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine
Professor Lynette SHEK
Vice-Dean (Administration), NUS Medicine