Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Online Course at APMEC 2022


With the increasing professionalisation of medical education, the need for healthcare professionals to have training in teaching is widely recognized. Whilst many institutions worldwide offer Diploma and Masters courses in medical education, there is a lack of accredited basic level courses. The ESME Programme has been designed to meet the need for an entry level teaching qualification and will be of particular interest to teachers who are engaging with health professions education for the first time. It will also be valuable for more experienced teachers who have been given some new responsibilities or assignment relating to teaching or assessment, or who wish to have an introduction to the theory underpinning the practice of teaching. It has been designed in the context that all health professionals are likely to have some responsibility for teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels. ESME is accredited by AMEE and approved by an international Advisory Board.

Details of the range of ESME courses available face-to-face and online are given on the AMEE website


This broad-based course has been designed around a set of competencies that all practising teachers should possess. These include: Effective Teaching, Skilled Educational Planning and Informed Assessment and Evaluation. The ESME Course sessions are scheduled immediately before and after the main APMEC 2022 Virtual Conference.


All time shown is in (GMT +8.00) Kuala Lumpur Time (click here for time convertor)

Monday 20 December 2021 to Wednesday 12 January 2022 - Self Study
A flipped classroom approach will be adopted, with participants asked to prepare for the ESME course by reviewing the resources provided. The programme and the resources will be available from 20 December. These include a series of short video recordings by Professor Ronald Harden, selected chapters from the 3rd edition of his book Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher, and other selected references. An e-copy of the book will be provided.

Thursday 13 January 2022

1500-1600 hrs: ESME Course – Whole Group Discussion
Participants and tutors meet as a group on the Zoom platform with Professor Harden for a live discussion about the issues raised by participants relating to the first three course modules – The roles of the teacher/trainer, Competency-based medical education, and Curriculum planning.

1600-1800 hrs: ESME Course – Small Group Activities
Participants will engage in group activities exploring further the issues addressed during the course and the application to their own practice. Each group will have a facilitator.

Friday 14 January 2022

0900-1630 hrs: Attend APMEC Conference sessions.

Saturday 15 January 2022

0900-1715 hrs: Attend APMEC Conference sessions.

Sunday 16 January 2022
0830-1130 hrs: Attend APMEC Conference sessions.

1500-1600 hrs: ESME Course – Whole Group Discussion
Participants and tutors meet again on the Zoom platform with Professor Harden for a live discussion about the issues raised by participants relating to the final two course modules on teaching and learning and assessment.

1600-1730 hrs: ESME Course – Small Group Activities
Participants will engage in group activities exploring further the issues addressed during the course and the application to their own practice.

1730-1800 hrs: ESME Course - Reflection and Next Steps
Information will be given on the assignment to be completed in order to be awarded the AMEE-ESME Certificate in Medical Education (optional). Participants will be asked to reflect on the lessons they have learned from the course.


Course Director: Professor Ronald Harden, formerly Director of the Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee, United Kingdom, and currently General Secretary/Treasurer of AMEE and Editor of Medical Teacher

Faculty Members:

Professor Matthew C E Gwee, Emeritus Professor and Chairman, International & Education Programmes, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System

Dr Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Senior Director, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System

Associate Professor Chay Hoon Tan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, and Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore; and Consultant Psychiatrist, National University Hospital, National University Health System

Associate Professor Poh-Sun Goh, Associate Professor, Diagnostic Radiology, and Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System

Associate Professor Dow Rhoon Koh, Associate Professor, Physiology, and Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System

Dr Lee Shuh Shing, Medical Educationalist, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System

ESME COURSE FEE: RM2,374.40 (RM2,240 + 6% SST)

Included in the course fee is:

  • Group discussions and activities, guided by faculty
  • Resource materials online including e-copy of 3rd edition of Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher
  • Certificate of participation
  • Optional submission and assessment of a post-course report, details of which will be given during the Course
  • Award of ESME Certificate in Medical Education if the post-course report is assessed as meeting the requirements of the Certificate.

Please note: In addition to the ESME course fee, participants are required to register for APMEC 2022, pay the registration fee, and pay to attend one or two pre-conference workshops of their choice.

For more information please contact