Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Courses at APMEC 2020

With the increasing professionalisation of medical education, the need for doctors and other healthcare professionals to have training in teaching is widely recognized. Whilst many institutions worldwide offer Diploma and Masters courses in medical education, there is a lack of accredited basic level courses. The ESME Programme has been designed to meet the need for an entry level teaching qualification and will be of particular interest to teachers who are engaging with medical education for the first time. It will also be valuable for more experienced teachers who have been given some new responsibilities or assignment relating to teaching or assessment, or who wish to have an introduction to the theory underpinning the practice of teaching. It has been designed in the context that all doctors in any branch of medicine or field of practice are likely to have some teaching responsibilities for undergraduates, postgraduates, peers, other healthcare workers or patients. ESME’s novel course structure combines a purpose-built course on teaching with an international medical education Conference.

ESME is accredited by AMEE and approved by an international Advisory Board.

Since the introduction of the original ESME course in 2005, several other courses have been developed to meet specific needs:

  • Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) – Face-to-face and Online
  • Essential Skills in Medical Education Assessment (ESMEA) - Face-to-face and Online
  • Research Essential Skills in Medical Education (RESME) - Face-to-face and Online
  • Essential Skills in Clinical Teaching (ESME-CT) – Face-to-face
  • Essential Skills in Medical Education Simulation (ESMESim)
  • Essential Skills in Computer-Enhanced Learning (ESCEL)
  • Essential Skills in Continuing Education and Professional Development (ESCEPD)
  • Essential Skills in Medical Education Leadership (ESMELead)
  • ESME Skills in Action – Online
  • ESME Student - Online

ESME at APMEC 2020

Two ESME Courses are offered at this Conference: (1) the original Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME), (2) Essential Skills in Medical Education – Clinical Teaching (ESME-CT). Please note: it is not possible to attend more than one course at APMEC due to timing conflicts.

This broad-based course has been designed around a set of competencies that all practising teachers should possess. These include: Effective Teaching, Skilled Educational Planning and Informed Assessment and Evaluation.

ESME Course schedule
Wednesday 8 January: 0830-1730 - ESME Pre-conference Session:

  • The Skilled Educational Planner: specifying and using learning outcomes and how the learning can be organised in a curriculum;
  • The Effective Teacher: including some helpful basic principles relating to large and small group teaching; independent learning; the new learning technologies;

Thursday 9 January: Attend other Pre-conference Workshops (cost not included)
Friday 10 January: Attend APMEC Conference
Saturday 11 January: Attend APMEC Conference
Sunday 12 January 0900-1230 - ESME Post-conference Session:

  • The Informed Assessor/Evaluator: the key assessment principles and the tools available to the teacher;
  • The Scholarly Educator, including Professionalism in medical education; Roles of the teacher; Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME);
  • A look at the requirements for completion of the ESME Certificate in Medical Education.

ESME Course Faculty
Course Director: Professor Ronald Harden, formerly Director of the Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK, and currently General Secretary/Treasurer of AMEE and Editor of Medical Teacher;

Faculty members:
Professor Matthew C. E. Gwee, Emeritus Professor and Chairman, International & Education Programmes, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System
Dr Dujeepa Samarasekera, Director, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System
Associate Professor Tan Chay Hoon, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore & Consultant Psychiatrist, National University Hospital, National University Health System

ESME Course Fee: SGD882.75 (SGD825 + 7% GST)

Included in the course fee is:

  • One full-day pre-conference session
  • One half-day post-conference session
  • Printed course programme
  • Set of resource materials online
  • Certificate of participation
  • Optional submission and assessment of a post-course report, details of which will be given during the Course
  • Award of ESME Certificate in Medical Education if the post-course report is assessed as meeting the requirements of the Certificate

Please note: In addition to the ESME course fee, participants are required to register for APMEC 2020, pay the registration fee, and pay to attend one or two pre-conference workshops of their choice.


Teaching in the clinical environment is a demanding and complex task, a task many health professions educators assume without adequate preparation or orientation. The various settings (ward, ambulatory, urban or community) have their own distinct challenges. The ESME-CT is a 1.5-day face-to-face course that aims to provide participants with a solid foundation of fundamental skills needed to teach effectively in clinical settings, informed by educational theories and available evidence. In acknowledgment of the complexity of clinical teaching, the educational strategies will employ a non-prescriptive and reflective approach for improving teaching. Participants will learn to select effective teaching strategies while considering many variables such as the content, the learners, and the context. The course also reflects the belief that teachers at all levels of experience and expertise can benefit from an organized review of their teaching. We will use several interactive exercises to enhance application of new strategies to own teaching. Finally, participants will be encouraged to be the agents of change in enhancing clinical teaching at their own institutions.

Who Should Participate in This Course:
This course will focus on core topics in clinical teaching and is intended for clinicians who teach pre-registration students (medical / nursing etc.) and post-registration trainees (physician, nursing etc.) in ward, outpatient as well as simulation and conference settings. In addition, educators who organize staff development for clinical teachers will benefit from participation.

Mode of Delivery:
The course will be conducted face-to face and run over one full-day and one half-day sessions. The course language is English, but the pace will be suitable for participants whose first language is not English. The topic will feature short didactic presentations, review and debriefing of videotaped teaching scenarios, group brainstorming, individual reflections and skills practice.

Topics Covered:
The course aims to cover the following areas of clinical teaching:

  • Application of select educational theories that directly inform effective clinical teaching behaviours
  • The micro-skills of teaching aimed at time-efficient teaching (the one-minute preceptor)
  • Specific clinical skills
    • Teaching communication skills
    • Teaching physical exam skills
    • Teaching clinical reasoning
  • Teach in the presence of patients (bedside teaching)
  • Identify performance gaps in the clinical workplace and providing performance-based feedback
  • Reflective practice of own teaching

Post-course Report:
We encourage participants to submit, within six months of completion of the course, a short report describing the application of the concepts and principles covered in the ESME-CT Course to their own teaching settings, leading to award of the AMEE ESME-CT Certificate in Clinical Teaching.

ESME-CT Course Schedule
Wednesday 8 January: Attend other Pre-conference Workshops (cost not included)
Thursday 9 January: 0830-1730 - ESME-CT Pre-conference Session
Friday 10 January: Attend APMEC Conference
Saturday 11 January: Attend APMEC Conference
Sunday 12 January: 0900-1230 - ESME-CT Post-conference Session

ESME-CT Course Faculty
Course Director: Dr Subha Ramani, AMEE Executive Committee Member, Chair AMEE Fellowship Committee; Director of Evaluation and Scholars in Medical Education Pathway, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Leader of Research and Scholarship, Harvard Macy Institute; and Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Faculty members:
Dr James Kwan, Senior Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital; Chair, Core Curriculum and Education Committee, International Federation for Emergency Medicine; and Adjunct Asst. Professor, Emergency Medicine, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore Dr Harish Thampy, GP & Senior Clinical Lecturer; and Academic Lead for Assessment, MBChB Programme, Division of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Dr Mini Singh, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Dermatologist; Associate Programme Director for Teaching and Learning, MBChB Programme; Lead Manchester Clinical Reasoning Group, Division of Medical Education, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; and Chair, Undergraduate Education Committee, British Association of Dermatologists
Dr Jean E Klig, Director of Undergraduate Education, Pediatric EM Division, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital; Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA; and Educator Course Faculty, Harvard Macy Institute, Boston, USA
Professor Trevor Gibbs, AMEE President; AMEE International Development Officer; Independent Consultant and Professor of Medical Education & Primary Care; and Professor of Medical Education, First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

ESME-CT Course Fee: SGD882.75 (SGD825 + 7% GST)

Included in the course fee is:

  • One full-day pre-conference session
  • One half-day post-conference session
  • Printed course programme
  • Set of resource materials online
  • Certificate of participation
  • Optional submission and assessment of a post-course report, details of which will be given during the Course
  • Award of ESME-CT Certificate in Medical Education if the post-course report is assessed as meeting the requirements of the Certificate.

Please note: In addition to the ESME-CT course fee, participants are required to register for APMEC 2020, pay the registration fee, and pay to attend one or two other pre-conference workshops of their choice.

Participants should register for either ESME or ESME-CT by selecting the appropriate option on the APMEC 2020 registration form. It is not possible to attend more than one course due to scheduling conflicts.

Questions about the Courses
For queries specifically about ESME or ESME-CT course content please contact AMEE:
AMEE, 12 Airlie Place, Dundee DD1 4HJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1382 381953; Fax: +44 (0)1382 381987; Email: