Short Communications presenters will have a time limit of 6 minutes (4-min presentation + 2-min for Q&A) at an allocated time slot to share their presentation in a SINGLE slide. The slides will also be displayed in a loop throughout the duration of the conference.
1. Presentation slide should be in English, landscape orientation and in PDF format.
2. Slide dimensions - In MS PowerPoint, go to Design -> Page Setup -> Choose Slides Sized for -> On screen show 16:9 (should be approximately width: 25.4cm and height 14.29cm)
3. Title is to be stated at the top of the slide. (BOLD CAPITAL letters, Font: Arial, Size: 24).
4. Name(s), department(s), institution(s) and country of author (s) should be stated clearly, directly below the title. Provide the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by initials, with the name of the presenting author in bold (Font: Arial, Size: 11).
5. The headings should be Font: Arial, Size: 14 The font size for the contents should be Font: Arial, Size: minimum size 10
6. PDF security settings: Please do not lock the PDF using a password (this is to enable us to put all the short communications slides together for presentation in a loop during the conference).
7. The slide submitted will be deemed as final and no further changes will be allowed to the day of presentation.
8. Deadline for presentation slide submission: TBA (around 3 months before the conference)
1. All presenters are requested to adhere to their scheduled presentation session and slot. No changing of presentation session and slot is allowed during the conference.
2. Presenters are reminded to stay for the awards presentation on the second day (afternoon) of the main conference, where results for the Short Communications presentation category will be announced.
Free Communications presenters will have a time limit of overall 10 minutes (8-min presentation + 2-min for Q&A) at an allocated time slot to share their presentation.
Click here to download the template.
1. Presentation slide should be in English, landscape orientation and in PDF format.
2. Slide dimensions - In MS PowerPoint, go to Design -> Page Setup -> Choose Slides Sized for -> On screen show 16:9 (should be approximately width: 25.4cm and height 14.29cm)
3. The presentation should have a title slide and the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion
4. The title slide should contain the following:
1. All presenters are requested to adhere to their scheduled presentation session and slot. No changing of presentation session and slot is allowed during the conference.
2. Presenters are reminded to stay for the awards presentation on the second day (afternoon) of the main conference, where results for the Free Communications presentation category will be announced.