Dr Ellie Choi

Consultant Dermatologist, Division of Dermatology, National University hospital
Junior Academic Faculty, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Singapore
M.B.B.S., Master of Medicine (MMed), Masters of Clinical Investigation (National University of Singapore), Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom

Dr Ellie is practicing dermatologist at the National University Hospital in Singapore and holds a junior faculty position at the National University of Singapore School of Medicine. Her research expertise lies in health services and behavioral medicine, with a specific focus on unraveling the inefficiencies and discordance that may exist between patients and physicians in the management and treatment of diseases.

She is currently enrolled in a part-time diploma program in psychodermatology and is concurrently pursuing a Masters of Business Administration with John Hopkins University. She is also embarking on a PhD program with NUS, where her thesis “Development and Pilot Implementation of an Electronic Patient Reported Outcome Measure (ePROM) system to Guide Clinical Decision Making and Improve Efficiency of Consult” is centered around PROMs and patient reported outcomes.

Ellie's commitment to advancing the field of dermatology extends to her editorial roles, where she serves as the senior assistant editor for the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) and section editor for International Journal of dermatology. She is also active in the country’s social and healthcare community as an executive committee member of the Society of Behavioural Health Singapore (SBHS) and as part of the governing council of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine.