Dr Aishworiya Ramkumar

Consultant Paediatrician, Child Development Unit, Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children’s Medical Institute, National University Hospital
Junior Academic Fellow, Department of Paediatrics and Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School Of Medicine, National University Of Singapore
MBBS, MMed (Paediatrics), MCI

Dr Aishworiya Ramkumar is a developmental behavioural paediatrician by training and practices at the Child Development Unit, National University Hospital, Singapore. Dr Ramkumar’s clinical interests include autism spectrum disorder and socio-emotional difficulties in children and she is committed to serving this group of children through direct clinical care and research that translated into clinical care pathway improvements.

Her research interests are anchored around the over-arching vision of improving outcomes of children on the autism spectrum in Singapore and beyond. Specific themes including implementation of screening for autism in early childhood and design of sustainable interventions for autism in young children. She has received competitive research funding and published her work in several peer-reviewed journals. She is also the current co-chair of the workgroup that produced the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Autism in Children and Adolescents in Singapore.