Making a Donation

We thank you for considering a bequest of your mortal remains to the School. It is a truly meaningful gift that will contribute immeasurably to the education and training of medical students and ultimately benefit thousands of Singaporean patients.

If you decide to bequest your remains to the Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, please complete the yellow "Organ Donation Pledge Form" available on the Ministry of Health's website:,
and send the completed form to the National Organ Transplant Unit (NOTU) at the address given below.

C/o Singapore General Hospital
Singapore 169608

If there is change of mind of the donation or should you have further questions please call the National Organ Transplant Unit (NOTU) at 63214390 /


Instruction and Procedure

I. Procedure at time of death

Please contact the National Organ Transplant Unit (NOTU) Transplant Coordinator on call at 62223322 who will then advise on  the necessary arrangements

II. Reasons for donation refusal

Under the terms of the Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act (Cap. 175), the School may reject a body donation even though a bequest has been executed prior to death. Reasons for refusal include: communicable diseases that pose risks to students and staff, bodies that have been autopsied, or for some other reasons, determined to be unacceptable for body donation.

III. Final disposal of remains

Typically, the  School utilizes each donated body within 18 to 36 months. Bodies are used in the teaching of medical undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Where no request exists for the return of the body after use, the School will assume responsibility for the disposal of the remains in compliance with standing health and infectious diseases control guidelines. The School will pay for the cost of cremation of the remains as well as the subsequent burial at sea of the ashes.


Department of Anatomy
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLL SoM)
National University of Singapore
MD10, 4 Medical Drive, Singapore 117594

Contact Persons:

Muhammad Sufie
+65 6516 3214

Pan Feng
+65 6516 5921

Wu Yajun
+65 6516 7970