Our People

Precision Medicine TRP
Secondary (Basic Sciences) Members

Dean Ho


Area of Research

  • Digital medicine
  • Personalized medicine technologies

Research Interests

  • Application of artificial intelligence for personalized human treatment for oncology, infectious disease and other human diseases
  • Nanomedicine

Polly Chen Leilei

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Transcriptomic instability of human cancers

Research Interests

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Epigenetic mechanisms of tumourigenesis
  • RNA editing and alternative splicing

Deng Lih Wen

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Cellular and molecular mechanism in cancer development
  • Developing novel targets for therapeutic cancer intervention

Research Interests

  • Genomic instability and chromatin dynamics in cancer development
  • Mechanisms of therapy resistance
  • Therapeutic potential of targeting cancer metabolism and tumor microenvironment
  • Cancer oxidative stress and glutathione homeostasis

Dennis Kappei

Assistant Professor

Area of Research

  • Non-coding DNA elements
  • Telomere biology

Research Interests

  • Telomere-binding proteins
  • Cellular senescence

Tan Tin Wee

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Bioinformatics
  • Advanced Internet Network Protocols and Applications in Biological Sciences

Research Interests

  • Biodatabases; Large-scale workflow integration; grid computing; immunomics & vaccine informatics.
  • Computer protocols, applications and standards for biological entities, nomenclature, pathways, diagramming and software tools interfacing.
  • Advanced Internet research network engineering for bioinformatics applications.
  • Internet protocols for bioinformatics and multilingual internet names.

Yvonne Tay Mei Sian

Assistant Professor

Area of Research

  • Characterization of non-coding RNA regulatory networks in cancer

Research Interests

  • Mechanisms of microRNA function
  • Non-coding RNA in cancer biology and their potential therapeutic applications

Ling Shuo-Chien

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Aging
  • Neurodegeneration

Research Interests

  • Pathogenic mutations in neurodegeneration
  • Neuronal biology
  • Contribution of neuronal cell types to disease progression

Low Chian-Ming

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Neurobiology
  • Brain imaging

Research Interests

  • Pain and NMDA receptors
  • Neuroprotective rational drug design
  • Neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration

Gavin Dawe

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Neurosciences
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Peptide pharmacology

Research Interests

  • Neurobiology of amyloid precursor protein (APP)
  • Neuropeptides and stapled peptides
  • Neuropsychopharmacology of antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and antidepressants

Hanry Yu


Area of Research

  • Disease models on chip
  • AI diagnostics
  • Biology of liver disease and regeneration

Research Interests

  • Drug Testing Platforms
  • Digital Liver Projects
  • Micro-tissue Fabrication Factory

Volker Patzel

Area of Research

  • RNA technologies
  • Nuclei acid delivery

Research Interests

  • miRNA::target interaction
  • Design of trans-splicing RNA
  • Design of genes and vectors for preclinical and clinical investigation
  • Delivery of nucleic acids into target cells including stem cells
  • Novel approaches for genetic intervention
  • Identification and characterization of non-coding RNA

Precision Medicine TRP
Secondary (Clinical) Members

Dan Yock Young

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms
  • Metabolic Diseases & Diabetes: Therapy

Research Interests

  • Liver Stem Cells
  • Liver Cancer
  • Fatty Liver

Ngiam Kee Yuan

Associate Professor

Area of Research

  • Thyroid & Endocrine Surgery

Research Interests

  • Endocrine and Metabolic Surgery
  • AI Applications in Healthcare.

Lee Yung Seng


Area of Research

  • Childhood obesity and co-morbidities
  • Developmental origins of health and disease

Research Interests

  • Obesity and insulin resistance
  • Pathogenesis of obesity related morbidities