N2CR Tissue Specific Carcinogenesis Thematic Seminar – Oct 2023

You are invited to the NUS Centre for Cancer Research (N2CR) – Tissue-Specific Carcinogenesis (TSC) Thematic Seminar on Friday, 13 October 2023, 2 – 3 pm. Kindly find the Zoom link details below and please refer to the poster for more information. Theme: Tissue-Specific Carcinogenesis Host:      Assistant Professor Cheok Chit Fang Venue:  Online via ZOOM Speaker 1:  Assistant Professor Tee Wee Wei Title :            Targeting transcriptional dysregulation in cancer: Insights from early development  Speaker 2:  Professor Goh Boon Cher Title :            Nasopharyngeal cancer immunology and immunotherapy   Zoom link details Topic: N2CR TSC Thematic Seminar Time: October 13 2023 2:00 […]