Membership Information

Join us as a member

Why join N2CR?

N2CR aims to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and clinicians with research interests relevant to cancer to create a vibrant and collegial research community; to engage our members in collaborative networks and exploit unique local strengths to tackle major research challenges. We will nucleate and assemble globally competitive thematic research programmes that may qualify for major competitive grants, through support for collaborations, seed funding, shared facilities and training.

Open to faculty who are Assistant Professors and above with appointment (except adjunct) in NUS/ NUSMed or other NUS Faculties (including Duke-NUS and Yale-NUS). You are currently a primary member of another TRP.

Members are able to:

  • Access core facilities at preferential rate
  • Access NUSMed Core facilities at preferential rate
  • Participate in seminars/ workshops/ symposiums etc. at preferential rates
  • Apply for N2CR Seed Funding Programme, applicable to members based at NUS only
  • Access to collaborative links and networking opportunities
  • Access to N2CR website resources to post job advertisements, press release and PhD projects (project work to be based at NUS)