Information for Prospective Graduates

All newly enrolled graduate students are to select a thesis advisor at the time of enrolment; however students may also participate in the laboratory rotation scheme during the first 4 months of the candidature period. Please note that the first rotation lab will be with the thesis advisor selected during enrolment. 

The laboratory rotation scheme provides alternative for newly enrolled graduate students who would like to explore a different research area/project within the first 4 months of the candidature period. 

N2CR students are encouraged to take a minimum of one to a maximum of three laboratory rotations before confirming a thesis advisor. Each rotation lasts for two weeks to one month. All students should be able to confirm a thesis advisor by 30 November/30 April for the August/ January intakes respectively. 

Students may first browse through the list of thesis advisors and research projects available at the N2CR PhD Graduate Programme website to choose the laboratories that they are interested. 

Students should have discussed their proposed studies with the selected thesis advisors face-to-face upon successful enrolment acceptance to the N2CR PhD Graduate Programme. 

By the end of the rotation period, students must indicate their decision regarding the confirmation of the thesis advisor, the default for which will be the thesis advisor confirmed at enrolment, unless there is mutual agreement to change. 

If both the student and the proposed thesis advisor agree to continue the research project in the same laboratory, the proposed thesis advisor will be officially appointed as the thesis advisor of the student. 

Students are required to fulfil a coursework component, comprising of two core modules worth 8 modular credits (MC) and elective modules worth 16 MC. Students are strongly encouraged to select elective modules best aligned with their research from the various modules offered by Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (SoM). 

  • PhD thesis advisor has to be part of NUSMed Faculty. 
  • Please click here for the list of Thesis Advisors and Research Projects.