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A Fun Day Learning about Cancer Research at N2CR!

School’s out but the learning continues!

N2CR hosted its very first educational outreach programme, Inspiring Young Minds: A Day in the world of Cancer Research and Healthcare on 27 May 2024 at NUS and NUHS.

Secondary 2 students from Bartley Secondary School, Yusof Ishak Secondary School and Zhenghua Secondary School got to take a glimpse into the world of biomedical research by listening to talks from scientists and doctors, visiting the RNA Laboratory and Anatomy museum; and taking a tour around the hospital to learn about a cancer patient’s journey and how various medical staff assist them along the way.

We ended the fun-filled day with a quiz, with attractive prizes going to our top 3 winners!

A very big thank you to all the students and teachers who joined us! We hope this sneak peek piqued your interest about the world of biomedical sciences and the various careers one can pursue in this evolving field.

This learning journey was made possible with the partnership of National University Cancer Institute, Singapore and support from the NUS Department of Anatomy, ncRNA Core Facility and the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

And much gratitude for our advisors from Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE) and Science Centre Singapore.

Happy school holidays to all students and teachers! We hope to welcome more of you next year 😉


Hear the thoughts of some of the teachers and MOE representatives who accompanied the students!

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