NMRC centre Grant
Redirecting immune, lipid and metabolic drivers of early
cardiovascular disease
Investigators of Project RESET with Health Minister Ong Ye Kung
Home › Flagship Projects › Project Reset
Collaborating Institutions
National Heart Centre Singapore, National University Heart Centre Singapore, National University Hospital, Singapore Institute of Clinical Science (A*STAR), Bioinformatics Institute (A*STAR), Nanyang Technological University, Ng Teng Fong Hospital, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Queenstown Health District, Polyclinics
The Challenge and Solution
Many people in Singapore have underlying heart disease which they probably don’t know about. Something can be done to avert the course of the disease, but we need to tackle it early enough. Project RESET focuses on the 80% of seemingly healthy Singaporeans (“the missing millions”) who are unaware that they have abnormal calcium build up in their arteries. Up to 40% of Singaporean adults have fatty liver, itself a harbinger of underlying heart disease. Overall, we suspect that at least 3 million Singaporeans, or 50% percent of our total population have heart disease, of which they remain unaware. Project RESET makes a very deep study of the asymptomatic, unassessed risk of heart disease among Singaporeans, capturing the phenomenon as the “iceberg underwater” in the illustration below, with the ambition of discovering new biomarkers of early disease, and piloting new methods and approaches to prevent the onset of the disease altogether.
Project Reset lasts for 5 years, with enrollment starting from end of 2023.
Form to register your interest: