Poster Presentation

The Course Directors invite you to submit abstracts for poster presentation. No preferred papers for oral presentation will be held at this Workshop.

Abstracts must be submitted via Electronic Mail.

Please email your abstract in Word Format as an attachment to
Associate Professor Fredrik Petersson (Attn: Ms Santhi at )

Review and Notification to Authors

All abstracts will be reviewed. Submitters will be informed by email of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract within 7 working days. Only the person identified as the Submitter will receive this notification. Authors are advised to submit their abstracts by 19 February 2019 to ensure that they meet the Early Bird registration deadline of 28 February 2019. Call for abstracts will close on 1 April 2019.


Preparation of Abstract

1. All abstracts must be submitted in English.
2. The maximum length is 200 words.
3. The title should be in capital letters and bold print. Do not centralize.
4. The authors' family names in full, first name in full, their institutions, cities and countries should be listed immediately beneath the abstract title, typed in upper and lower case and single-spaced without using full-stops. The presenter's name is to be underlined.
5. The text of the abstract must include headings such as "Objectives", "Materials and Methods", "Results" and "Conclusion". These section headings should appear in bold.
6. Accepted abstracts maybe be collated and distributed as part of the workshop written material.


Poster Presentation

1. You are provided with a one-sided panel board with dimensions of 1m (width) x 1m (height). You are not required to use up the entire space.
2. Posters will be on display for two days, after which the posters must be removed. Presenters are to be on hand for discussion during tea /lunch breaks.
3. Presenters are responsible for display and removal of their posters. The Organizing Committee will not be liable for any loss or damage to the posters during the display.
4. When preparing text and illustrations, bear in mind that the posters will be viewed from a distance of about 1m.
5. Guidelines for font sizes: Title 96 points, authors' names 72 points (use family name and first name), institution 36-48 points, text minimum 20 points.
6. Organize the material into sections with headings such as 'Objectives or Aims', 'Materials and Methods', 'Data or Results' and 'Conclusion'. Do not include the abstract.