Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Fifth & Final Year Orthopaedic Surgery Posting

Knee Model Injection
Plaster Cast Cutting

Phase V (Year 5) Orthopaedic Practice Posting and Student Internship Programme (SIP)


The 4 week posting in orthopaedic surgery is a practice and student internship programme (SIP). The duration will be spent in a single hospital to enable the students to better integrate into the respective department and teams. This will allow them to participate holistically and longitudinally in the care of patients, from the Emergency Department/clinics to surgery/wards to discharge. This posting will develop their clinical ability, professionalism, identity formation, and provide a seamless transition to internship/ residency training.

The aims are to provide the final year students with the opportunity to consolidate the training and be a functional doctor equipped with relevant basic surgical skills and knowledge in year one postgraduate (PGY1).


At the end of the Orthopaedic Practice Posting & SIP, students will be able to :

  • Approach and apply principles of management for common and important conditions in orthopaedic surgery and trauma.
  • Order and interpret common investigations (including radiology) to aid diagnosis and treatment.
  • Assess an orthopaedic patient pre-operatively and post-operatively.
  • Effectively explain to a patient the pre-operative, operative, and post-operative plan for common orthopaedic procedures.
  • Perform orthopaedic and surgical skills relevant to a junior doctor, e.g plaster backslab application, dressing change, and tourniquet application.

Teaching tools:

  • Orthopaedic skills course
  • Revision tutorials and case presentation
  • Consultants/team rounds
  • Self-driven practice-based learning & improvement through postings to Ward work and Outpatient specialist clinics and operating theatre attachment.