Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Asst Prof Andre CHEAH Eu Jin


Academic Appointment:

  • Assistant Professor
    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
    Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
    National University of Singapore


Clinical Appointment:

  • Senior Consultant
    Department of Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery
    National University Hospital


Administrative Appointments:

  • Group Director
    Transformation Office
    National University Health System



  • M.B.B.S., National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • M.Med. (Surgery)
  • MR.C.S. (Edinburgh) United Kingdom
  • M.B.A. (INSEAD)


Awards and Prizes

  • Academic Medicine Development Award 2011
  • Hospital Administrator Scholarship Scheme Award 2011
  • College of Surgeons Gold Medal (Hand Surgery) 2010
  • NUHS 'Pitch for Funds' Merit Award 2010


Research Areas of Interests

  • The proximal interphalangeal joint


Selected Research Projects

  • The biomechanics of the proximal interphalangeal joint (AO Asia Pacific Trauma Research Grant)


Asst Prof Andre Cheah's Publication list at NUS Discovery